6th April'10@2105
the actual date to post this entry:4th April @0105
What Am I doing at these wee hours?..What can you do when you feel dehydrated,annoyed by cramping pain of your stomach,feeling bloated,tenderness on abdominal self-palpation but with tympanic sound on percussion???What did I eat?Damn,one thing for sure a birthday lunch for sarah yesterday definitely exerted the effect on my ever sensitive GIT.Even a petite consumer like me could be mercilessly affected!!! Maybe I need a hot bottle on my abdomen to minimise the dull ache to give a synergistic effect on already consumed a cup of green tea..sigh!!!My lecture is half way complete...arrgghh,this stomach upset is not something what I wanted right now!!!
Current;y I'm sort of on 'cycle break' since there;s another 2 more days left for my polyclinic rotation.Been doing what I'm supposed to be doing,glad for that but plan sort of deviated from it's planner on last Friday(after 1.30am M'sia time) and NOW!!!...ermm,I've no mood to continue this blog now...(delete or not to delete?????save to draft!)..
6th April'10
Junior Doctor managed to get back to herself...she is all fine..yeay!! Talk about having lil bit of self treatment,no pharmacologic treatment-no analgesics,no aspirin,no antidiarreal medications taken!!!Just gulped down loads and loads of luke warm water,only 2 slices of white bread with coffee on sunday morning and obviously with the many visits to the toilet.I was sooooooo dehydarated and hypovolumic!!!:(((
Dad and mum sensed something was amiss by just looking at my face via the webcam.Though I didn't want to make them worry about me,mum having this extra 6th sense especially when it comes to me,managed to strike the trigger and both of them became alarmed,and infact 'scolded' ,asking me 'why did you eat in the very first place?'...ermm,If only I knew I wouldn't have right?Blame it on my GIT.So,Mum prescribed her special treatment whilst on the phone after the webcam connection wasn't smooth.After 10 hours,I finally had my dinner-mum's special herb soup+ egg omelette+ fried ikan bilis---->that was the best and most luxurious dinner that I've ever tasted!!! Loved it and the herb soup turned out to be "thumbs up*
Morning,before I could wake up,dad sms-ed asking how am I?I replied back saying I was all fine and seriously,I felt whole loads better.After infectious lecture,came back had a cup of yogurt and had my nap of 1 and 1/2 hours before Dad rang up to check on me.Talked to dad and mum,reassured them few times "Yeah,very sure I'm fine now and all better daddy,ma".
I love you both very much,and sorry for making you two get worried unnecessarily.Your little girl can take care of herself,it's a promise:)
My saturday and sunday were gone after the food aftermath..duh..you know what?Now,I doubt other people's cookings!!!sorry...