The jolly and excited mood is fading off day by day as the days are coming closer for me to board the plane next sunday at 2am.Summer holidays of 2010 is coming to an end.Though part of me wants to stay longer here in my home,I'm actually excited to embark into my final year and come back to Malaysia with a scroll after 10 months.Still...who'd resist holidays,am I right?
I came back with loads of plan(kind of organised) to be done over the holidays but darn!!!I was at my worst by being an incredible procrastinator...well,maybe I shouldn';t exaggerate too much but nita,you didn't go according to your plan and you gotta admit that!First of all,i didn't expect this year there'd be too many family reunions where I had to travel practically every weekend.I didn't expect I will be having one day road trip to KL/teluk intan.Trip to teluk intan,I don't mind..anytime!but to go to other places,I'd rather stay in my comfort zone--my home and in my room.
I wasn't really bored staying without ragu at home.Dad and mum have been a great companion.I enjoyed it very much though we only spent time at home,before going to bed(this is one thing i will miss very much,long chats and disturbings before sleeping) and dining at restaurants.No family outings since ragu is all the way in USM prior to his 3rd year new sem.Snippets among the days been outings with my besties and all in all,holidays were fun--a quiet and been a decision making period.What's with all this new things right?But,I got into dad and mum's mind and I know what they want.So,let everything happen as it have been planned instead of if it's mean to be,it will certainly happen once for real.
Final year and let's make it a memorable one.All the best to me.
*whatever that's on it's way to me,you're welcome and will be part of my life cycle.Whatever that might be.*