25th May'11 @ 1418
My Final Surgery Rotation.Final Day to call myself as a Medical STudent.The end of my 6 years of lectures/practical classes-going-student's life.Few of my colleagues got all emofied and you could see in FB feeds and I wasn't spared neither except that I can't clearly draw a distinct line on how I feel..it's all so mixed up and it started even earlier-right after I woke up for class on Monday morning.It's hard to believe how fast the time passed by,leaving me dazzled looking at the many things that had happened these past 6 years.
I have no say on what others may think when their 2 decades of life spent being a student,but as for me,i enjoyed every single moments of my life even though I'm well labelled as being a bookworm..heck,I never gave them a hasty look or mockingly answered them simply because I know where my passion lies and who I want to be.Being an ordinary girl,I do look out for entertainments and that's the moment I got/will get swayed..and atleast,those 'extra-curricular' activities besides classes and lectures do add some colours to 'what a bored medical student's life',like how it would have been described by many(non-medic students).At times,a little flare will set me to erupt like a volcano when many things just find their way into my head.There were times,when I'll just push away all the books/notes/lectures and sit quietly or turn on my playlist at the loudest volume or even resort for an action packed movie when I couldn;t take it no more but surprisingly,I work better when I;m under stress with the surge of cathecolamines in me.I wouldn't be missing this stress as I regard the most extreme ones are yet to come.
I still remember the night before(2nd Oct'05) my first day as a medical student - 3rd October 2005 (wow,it feels like ancient years ago now!),i reminded myself the reason why I'm far away from dad and mum and it all boils down for my childhood dream to come true.Now,I'm VERY MUCH PROUD with myself and will beam loudly and say " I have fulfilled my role as a true MEDICAL STUDENT- I'm one of this 'kaki lecture' from 1st till 6th year,regardless of how boring the lectures are (e.g : hygiene,physical therapy and public health??) and never paid(it's a rule here) to replace classes for being absent/skipped classes and,can say one of the most wanted students for lecture materials.As a student,I know I have played my part and never misused the freedom that was given my mum and dad to me.For that,I know i have lived up to mum and dad's expectations.Way to go Junior Dr:)
For being the student I was,I don;t know how my life would have been if it wasn;t for me being here but after today,there's no more waking up past midnight(except till GOC exams are over),walking with zakiah to catch buses for classes,skipping lunch or maybe grabbing the famous russian sloika/potato bun on my way to lecture,no more being the drop dead exhausted girl with a Mc'D paperback + Mc' flurry on fridays after Internal Medicine lectures,no more slopping on the bed and enjoy being in my own cocoon with lappie on my lap and watching movie on friday nights and finally drifting to sleep...despite all the hecticness of being a Medical Student with books as your most loyal and best(est) companion,I know I couldn't find more satisfaction once I get my M.D title in a month.Like what they say,all your sacrifices and deeds will be paid off.
Honestly,yesterday I almost broke down after seeing Lisa's post in my fb.I immediately texted dad and mum and told them how I wished I could get a hug from them at that very moment.It was past 12 am Malaysian time and typical of daddy,the next minute I got a call from him asking "darling,are you okay?" Me :"yes daddy,it's just that I feel actually I don't know it feels weird as I'm going to end my student's life tomorrow".Mum texted too wondering what's up with me but I managed to usher her to bed to sleep:)
It's the life that I chose(and it made all the difference)and undoubtfully,it has thought me many lessons in life and to become who I am now.I might have ended my medical student's life but I will continue being a learner and what's next??...back to being a student after like what?5 years?..:):) Cardiology,you're always on my mind,don't you worry about that.
The experience of being a student is priceless for me and this would have shown you why I'm being all emofied on my last day as a Medical Student.Every place that I've been here,my second home-Niznhy will be encased in my mind forever.Soon,I will be bidding good bye to my second home but I know I can always come back here for another walk down the memory lane ...yes,the long walks that I used to take in the cold breeze down the pathways while coming across cute and decent russian hunks:)
Like mum and dad had said,"you're almost there,soon will be back home darling" Dad's favourite line "you're into a nobel profession darling".Dad,Mum,I'm waiting to welcome both of you at the airport next month:)
And now,it's time for FINALS in medical school before I finally graduate next month- 28th JUne.Will declare my name officially then:)
All the best and you know YOU CAN DO IT,Jr.Doc.