29th September'11 @ 2045
How many of you are actually aware of World Heart Day which falls on the 29th September,annually?This day was commemorated officially in 2000 and has been celebrated ever since.
This year,World Heart Day comes with its new theme and vision " One World,One Home,One Heart".
Undeniably,Cardiovascular diseases maim the most number of lives each year.Therefore,I'm going to share with you an extract from World Heart Federation on how you and your family can take charge of your hearts' health.
1.Ban smoking from your home.
~stop smoking tobacco in the home to improve your own and your children's heart health.
~implement a new rule in your home: for every cigarette someone smokes,an extra household chore is waiting.
*tobacco causes one fifth of Cardiovascular Diseases(CVD) worldwide.The risk of Coronary Heart Disease is cut by half one year after quitting.15 years after quiting,the risk is nearly the same as someone who never smoked.*
2.Stock your home with healthy food options.
~start the day with a piece of fruit or prepare your own lunch at home to ensure healthy options are taken to work or school.
~make sure every meal contains at least two to three servings of vegetables per person.
*a healthy diet low in saturated fats and salt but rich in fruit and vegetables helps prevent CVD.*
3.Be active.
~Families should limit the amount of time spent in front of the tv to less than 2 hours/day.
~organise outdoor activities for the family,such as cycling or hiking trips or simply playing in the garden.
~when possible,instead of using the car,take your bicycle or walk from home to your destination
* Just 30 minutes on most,if not all all days of the week can help to prevent heart attacks and strokes.*
4.Know your numbers.
~visit a healthcare professional who can measure your blood pressure,cholesterol,and glucose levels,together with waist-to-hip ratio and body mass index(BMI).
~once you know your overall CVD risk,you can develop a specific plan of action to improve your heart health.Make this action plan clearly visible in your homes as a reminder!
26th September'11 @ 1149
If there is a debatable topic that never loses attention from it's readers,it has to be the evergreen topic on "marriage or staying single?".2 days ago,it was once again published in the most widely read TheStar.Like always,the writer always finds his way out after making up an entry.Smart move by the writer- by writing on the both sides of the story but what I liked best about that particular person who penned down his/her thoughts-everything was written in a more positive remarks on interviewed opinions of the outsiders.Too fantasy-like to be real,you might wonder?But isn't that a good motivator for someone who's planning to get hitched?Otherwise,we have our very own command of ourselves to agree or disagree.However,something just crossed my mind at this very moment and now it got me thinking.Wait...perhaps the writer was biased because the printed names of the interviewers are all women's!!!Now..where he/she(the writer of the column) is getting to?
What is/are the reason(s) of choosing only women to participate on finding a resolution for this topic?Isn't it supposed to be a 2 way street approach?Well,prolly..the writer thought only women will give the most honest and idealistic answers to his/her questions? or can it be he/she couldn't find any males on his/her hunt? or he/she only wanted what actually a carrier/modern women think about marriage?...
Centuries ago,marriage was a necessity in life as women are the housewives and men were the sole breadwinners of the families.In certain ethnic families or best example in India ( and I heard it is still being practiced till now in rural and traditional villages) whereby,once a child is born,he/she (most of the baby girl) will be 'unofficially married' to the near-related cousins,regardless of the age.It is believed the husband and wife bond has been established from the birth and once the girl attains her puberty,she will be officially married and sent off to her husband's house...and by that time,she would probably just a 12 year old kid,an age when she should be studying/enjoying her teen days.That wasn't an epic story but sadly certain things can't be changed even at this modern era.
I remember very clearly,during my Form 6 MUET classes,we were given a topic for discussion by our most respectable mentor,Mrs.Anna which sent giggles and soft roars from all of us when we heard the title " which one is better?staying single or getting married?".Believe me more than half of the class chose the former,including me.The pretty,tall,slim Indian lady stood still looking at the show of hands on voting for 'staying single'.As she was counting silently the number of raised hands,she smiled and finally she chose few of us to come in front of the class and read out our points.As you would have guessed;girls,we said something very much in common: WE HAVE MORE TIME FOR OURSELVES.Mrs Anna's verdict : "Girls,let everything happen naturally and you got to experience every single phase of life".
Marriage takes up lots commitments and there are many failed marriages because people got married for the sake of getting into one.The mass media,peer,family and society pressure are what drives one to get married when one is not even able to fend for himself.Every new phase in life appears to be exciting and fun at the beginning but it tends to fade as it gets to become a routine and maybe the cause of boredom, and that's when many unexpressed words were hurled at each other.I think one shouldn't let 3rd party to decide what's best for himself/herself.There's always bright and dark side in every event that takes place in your life,do what you think is good for you.Want to get married when you're think you're fully up for it?Go for it and make sure to sustain the relationship and appreciate the other half of you till the last breath of yours.
Since this is my post,I'd like to make a very natural-opinion based entry,still with a tinge of a young lady's personal view .The woman of new age which I'm portraying here is someone who's humble despite her success,firm and determined with her stand. Women tend to detest marriage not because of their superiority feeling being a renowned corporate/working ladies,but it's because what they've been hearing,seeing,experiencing and exposed to.Leave behind television with their never ending romance filled movies,certain mega serials can stretch for years with only episodes of love,hatred,vengeance...arrghh,sickening.When you hear stories of breakups from your besties,you'll tend to grow apart from the thought of wedding bells.Personally when it happens to you,the final decision will be made not to get yourself attached with any emotionally related relationships.
Life is not as simple as how they telecast in tv or how it is aired or it is written in the newspapers/magazines.It summons up whatever that's with and in you to take up a commitment of life time and in order to not let yourself feel fooled or taken for granted because you definitely need the best.Cosmopolitan women are not arrogant/ignorant/snobbish(well not all,mind you).We are still well-virtued.All that being asked from the XY population is,accept women as they are.Recognise the ability,respect them and treat them equally.Why do you have to feel inferior when a woman earns/educated higher than you?Men say,one shouldn't have ego in a relationship,so how do you classify that when inferiority complex swells you from within?Learn to digest the fact,women are far more independent now(isn't that a plus?do you want someone who clings to you on petty things?) but that doesn't mean we don't enjoy your company.We just don't want to burden you and on the same note,we are not your scapegoats/maids at home.We're not weaker sex as labelled by many.But how many of you out there will accept this fact?How many of you will treat their women(wife) as their bestest friend?How many of you will respect their ambitions in life?Any guys out there willing to go the extra mile?
As I mentioned above,women are not against marriage but a woman's feelings are very fragile.Once the trust or her heart has been broken,I'd doubt it if she'd go for another experience of the same kind when she has already have what she needs...beautiful family,assets,wonderful carrier..why spend time with someone who's not even worth a penny?
Later if you bump into an old spinster/non-married woman,quit foul-mouthing,you'll never know what might have cost her to become one.
Everyone falls in love.Yes,everyone..I will strongly disagree if any of you say "No,I've never did and will never".Everyone falls in love at a certain age of their lives.It's either you admit the truth or hide it under your sleeves but remember "never regret for anything that had made you smile before" .
* soon I'm gonna be upside down,like this..:p*25th September'11 @ 0014
Can I tell you something?Waiting is ain't fun at all,no really..it's not.I think I'm getting more idle day by day and unfortunately,it has been noted by dad.Shameful me,but what am I supposed to do?It was said earlier,the biggest induction will be on the 4th October and ever since then,been waiting anxiously for my induction letter.I've never looked out for the Pos Laju delivery as much as I did last thursday..as for mom,'let the letter come late...better still if it's after diwali"..what?no way mom!!~ With a regime of 9am to 5pm everyday for the past 6 years,I really feel useless..it feels like I'm on a vacation,a very lazy vacation,indeed.
Maybe I should get started on my notes and revise them.Believe me,I did start on them but it seems like my brain cells need to be 'electrocuted' so that they'll remain focused and get on the run with me.Long stretch of holidays,undeniable have set the neurons and impulse transmission at rest.
Still,not passing by the days being lifeless.Been into deep thoughts on past,present and future(the latter has to be reminded by dad,as usual)..well,well new topics been suggested into my mind;USMLE and MRCP during my housemanship and yes,if I'm committed enough,I will sail through but can I juggle them smoothly: housemanship and foreign medical examinations?It's so impulsive and easy to say when someone asks you what your specialisation going to be?But when the time is nearing,a lump forms in your throat.I sought after advices regarding these as I'm still a newbie here.Let's see which one will be better out of the two,and that's for the sake of a dream that has always been inside to be realised.
I know soon I will be demanding for my break because of exhaustion but as for now....prolly,next week I will receive a white envelope ,written "URUSAN SERI PADUKA BAGINDA?"
The pop legend heartthrobs certainly have grown up and became more inspirational with this unreleased(I wonder why??) track..what more can a true BSB fan say? "I know we have changed but change can be good..." -yes,you're right BSB.This song is for a change and please release a brand new album soon,the fans need new dose of songs ASAP:) KTBPA!!!
*long term effects of alcohol*
18th September'11 @ 0201
1.Drinking coffee will sober you up
-the theory is based on opposites-alcohol,the depressant and coffee the stimulant-cancelling each other out is not true.coffee will only makes you hyperactive and you won't be able to sleep afterwards. * even the cold shower trick is also unapplicable*
2.Beer bellies are caused by drinking beer
-it's a myth.beer belly is also known as visceral(gut) fat build up around the middle of the body. Scientists aren't sure why this happens to some people..as it is still an idiopathic cause,sitting around and eating could be the factors but standing up and eating won't make it any better,too. * I think,all you need is some workout here!*
3.Drinking destroys your brain cells.
-too much or too little of something,certainly not advisable.Moderate consumption of alcohol can improve brain function.
4.Men and women of the same size can drink the same amount.
-women have less alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes,which is responsible to break down alcohol in their blood.so girls,watch out ya!
5.Never mix the grape and the grain
-mixing drinks won't make you any better or worse than sticking to one drink;nor will avoiding dark drinks in favour of lighter ones.Underline this: the solution is : don;'t drink to excess in the first place.
6.The custom of clincking glasses was to avoid poisoning.
-it is said,clincking is to avoid from being drugged when you meet new people,as it is believed when you bang our glasses,slopping some of your drink into his.others were;to ward off evil spirirts.And some experts believe,it became popular because of the pleasant noise it makes.
7.Alcohol makes you a better lover.
-it doesn't.It just has a big impact on your inhibitions making you feel more confident and more confortable.You might end up doing things you'd probably never do when sober.Alcohol's major side effects-it slows down the communications across your synapses and making you less able to control your physical actions.
8.Taking painkillers before drinking will stop a hangover.
-aspirin actually slows the rate at which your body breaks down alcohol,prolonging both the effects of being drunk and getting over it.The effect of aspirin only last a few hours,not all night.
9.You can beat a breathalyser.
- if you think you can by sucking pennies, eating sweets,or even eating underpants (as one American driver)..it won't cut it,you just can't beat breathalyser.
10.Exercising on a hangover is a bad idea.
-mild exercise 'raise the metabolic rate and dispose the poisons(alcohol) more quickly.Keep yourself hydrated with water.The headache with a hangover is reduced blood flow and spasm around your head,but mostly what makes you feel awful is your body trying to metabolise the poisons.
From medical point of view,drinking is very injurious to health(this is not a news,known by many however as a taboo,the warning sign is overlooked) mainly to the liver as it can cause liver cirrhosis.Drinkers will usually succumb to this condition namely affecting the general structure of the liver,regeneration of nodules and portal hypertension which will later lead to ascites(accumulation of fluid in the abdomen),encephalopathy which can lead to coma and death,spontaneous bacterial peritonitis(which can be fatal),and to a the extent of hepatic renal snydrome (with affection of kidney resulting in kidney failure). 0245
13th September'11@ 0228
I have been having this surge to write a blog post today,just a very strong impulse to do so but I have neither any interesting nor discussable topic to put up.In spite of that,when the inner voice wanting to do something badly while passing by the night with Mix fm's best variety of songs,I thought of sharing this lyrics from Christina Perri.The song has its own string of listeners and I am one of them.A very simple song with the playback music--guitar,perhaps?,more like a very deep woman's voice(christina perri's)-mind you,it can give you goosebumps when you listen to it at night,sorry Ms.Perri!but it's title and the easily understood lyrics,captured the listeners,I believe.
Christina Perri's Jar Of Hearts.
I know I can't take one more step towards you
Cause all that's waiting is regret
And don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore?
You lost the love I loved the most.
I learned to live,half-alive
And now you want me one more time
And who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?
I hear you're asking all around
If I am anywhere to be found
I have grown too strong
To ever fall back in your arms
I've learned to live,half-alive
Now you want me one more time
Who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?
Dear,it took so long
Just to feel alright
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
I wish I had missed
The first time that we kissed
'Cause you broke all your promises
And now you're back
you don't get to get me back
Who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts and tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Don't come back at all
Who do you think you are?
who do you think you are?
who do you think you are?
this song is for a change from my usual addiction of lovey-dovey and happy songs:):).Can't stay away from listening to music even for a day!Music can be encouraging(most of them are..listen to the lyrics and you'll feel loads better),makes you dance to its beat and definitely tells exactly/describes better how you feel(most of the time!).
Music is the greatest gift that has been given to mankind:)anyone out there to oppose this??:p
-true enough-:)9th September'11 @ 0121
Now I'm convinced that being an insomniac has its own advantages;found another 'food for life' article which states;
1.Throw out nonessential numbers.This include age,weight and height.Let the doctors worry about them.That is why you pay them(haha).
2.Keep only cheerful friends.The grouches pull you down.
3.Keep learning.Learn more about the computers,crafts,gardening,whatever.Never let the brain idle.
4.Enjoy the simple things.
5.Laugh often,long and loud.Laugh until you gasp for breath.
6.The tears happen.Endure,grieve and move on.The only person who is with us our entire life,is ourselves.Be ALIVE while you are alive.
7.Surround yourself with what you love,whether it's family,pets,keepsakes,music,plants,hobbies,whatever.Your home is your refuge.
8.Cherish your health :If it is good,preserve it.If it is unstable,improve it.If it is beyond what you can improve,get help.
9.Don't take guilt trips.Take a trip to the mall,even to the next country;to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.
10.Tell the people you love that you love them,at every opportunity.
AND ALWAYS REMEMBER : Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away.
"...and it's never too late:)"7th September'11 @ 1159
I came across this good piece of inspiring thought on life whilst browsing through my FB page lifelessly!It certainly worth a read and thinking and you'll know it's all about you and your VERY OWN LIFE in the end,that matters afterall.:)
Besides that lengthy one,this has always been my favourite when i'm thrown at the crossroads "to do or not to do?"-
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain.
If there's something holding you concrete tight from doing what you like,don't think twice,just BREAK the concrete and live your life!Dont' allow yourself to turn back later on with regret and say "what if i had done it?/I should have done that..."