4th December'09 @ 2234
At last,here I am,sitting on my bed,leaning against the wall,me DELL on my lap,playlist with my favourite tracks and FINALLY this is my first post for the month december which will be officiated by my most waited and looked forward rotation: Cardio Surgery.To be honest,in my time table it was written surgical diseases and I cared less actually,thinking my group,just like any other years will be travelling all the way to Ilinskaya and for the 3rd time(maybe?) will be stuck at the Urology department but hey,I gasped and said "REALLY?WE HAVE CARDIO rotation?cool...yeay!!! "
This cardio rotation is from 2nd dec till 8th dec *sighing here*..why so short of time for a most vital organ,am I right?Can we retort and go on demonstration here so that they will abolish subjects like philosophy and hygiene and make use of those times with Cardiology?*how I wish*...You can excuse me here for being extra sensitive when it comes to the heart,I can't be helped here,addicted completely with these complex organ for years and I know for sure which speciality I will be choosing once I'm done with my M.D.I've never changed my mind and that's what I want.The strong affection of mine towards the heart can never be separable...I'm just totally in love with the heart as an organ!:)
1st day of rotation:prepared for class on anatomy and physiology of the heart as we were told by the previous groups.We will be under a nepalese doctor.Zakiah was all agitated wherelse I was more relaxed and cool that I even took a pic of myself at my study table(he-he).Zakiah: "takutla,cikgu nepal tu sarcastic tau"..Me :chill la,it's the heart..I'm al excited..see look at me!!"..Zakiah : "yela,you suka the heart".. me :"yeappppp" and continued " after having all the strict teachers,tak kisah dah,let's see what happens today!"
Reached cardiac centre on time but as we entered Dr.Krishna's(if I'm correct)cabin,wani,syahrul,fil and sara were already in their positions.Names were already written on a piece of paper and began ice breaking ceremony..then first thing he said "come before 9 am!"..At one glance,looking at his fair skin,petite and thin physique,very neatly combed hair,and spectacle on his nose,you'll think he's just like any other doctors(go easy on you) but I know,you cannot fool around with him. I just knew it even before I saw him..why?Because you're talking about someone in the field of CARDIOLOGY!They just have this 'arrogance that attracts others and it will actually inspire you to move towards your goal!'+ with this unique aura of being a CARDIOLOGIST/CARDIOSURGEON.If it was any other doctors with full of arrogance,by now I would have critised them..I know I'm being so unfair but CARDIOLOGY IS THE SPECIAL FIELD AMONG THE REST.
Towards the end of the class of our first day,I was brain dead which happened the following day and even today..yeay finally it's friday!This is the most stressful rotation that we have ever had in our 5 years here especially when it comes to surgey cycle.We are only given 30 minutes of break and class will end sharp at 1.30pm.One by one will be called to answer his questions without referring to any notes and he will catch you and hit you back directly on the face when you failed to answer him,just like,he'll go "see,you didn't read the books,if you had read,you would have known the answer!" and that made my blood pressure spike up because I simply anti anyone who says that to ME!and yeah it changed our opinions on him.2nd part before the break,we visited the patients,I was the first to take a full history complemented with physical examination on a patient with congenital bicuspid aortic valve.It was ok but as usual,the language is the barrier..and as for the practical part,I did well (yes!) ..later,we moved on another patient..and our final task during the 30 minutes break was to make a short case report for discussion before we will be dismissed.In addition to that,we had to make an article containing >8 pages of information related to our given topics.Now you see..this dr is hyperactive and strict despite his stature just like they say "kecil-kecil cili padi" or "diam-diam ubi berisi"
2nd day : the nepalese dr. who's doing his second year residency here,continued with his skills to drain all our energy with his questionnaires.He's very good in trapping you...he'll listen carefully without any facial expressions or gestures,then to recheck whether you are being attentive,he'll ask you to repeat what your colleagues had just said.When you fail to repeat,he'll give you his wisdowm words " always respect to listen"..He lets you learn your mistake without pointing at it for example,he'll listen to " pumonary veins drain to right atrium ,right?" and you'll go "yes,it is" *in the midst of answering his questions/during presentation* and then he'll just smile and ask another person to alert the 1st one..see?He showed us echocardiography of valvular heart diseases and pcitures ofpulmonary amboli that was removed.He even took out from the refrigerator and showed us all the 'pathological artifacts' which they had removed during the heart surgeries. same routine continued yesterday :presentation-patients-ad hoc case reports-discussions.The number of scowled faces increased today.
3rd day : My presentation today based on atrioventricular canals.It was 10 pages long.I prepared well (I think) that I didn't had much time left for my today's topic : Ischemic heard disease.IHD is not something that will leave my mind easily after the strenuous cycle and exam of internal medicine,so I was confident that I could answer him if any questions were to be directed to me.After patients,break and dicussions.We watched clips on coronary angiography,how is it done,and it's indications.He was less uptight today,was making jokes and made us laugh when he still bombarded us.Words of wisdom for the day" where there;s a will,there's a way" .."learning is a continuous process".."listen to your patients"..Finallt when we were done for the day ,he sat back,on his chair and asked us to give comments on his classes,both positive and negative ones.One thing all of us had in common: WE REALLY GAINED ALOT IN THESE 3 DAYS.(like what jeff said :it's not even the 3rd day,I'm already so exhausted!)..so when it comes to my turn,I said:
positive remark: This is the best surgery cycle ever.
suggestion: can we atleast watch 1 open heart surgery?(to which he said we might be*fingers crossed,hopefully!* on mon /tues)
negative remark: *looked at one by one * and I said .." we don't like when you say WE DIDN'T READ THE BOOKS!" (to which he smiled)
His response to all of our comments :ACCEPTED!
conclusion: He's the best dr.anyone could ever get here in russia.If only all the teachers are like him we will be great medical students and inevitably a competent one.*Believe it,we said that to him* Fil even said : Wish we could have met you earlier.Just like I had said,his arrogance didn;t make us feel alienated/angry towards him..it's just that your ego is challenged when he smirks at you.He's very sharp though.Definitely,he was the all studious type during his med school years.His knowledge on CARDIO is adorable and it's the way he explains them without any hesitations when you're in doubt.Maybe his fluency in english despite his ascent makes me write all this admirable characters his in CARDIO.
As for me,I wasn't under a great amount of stress just like how the rest had mentioned.All that I see is me myself being like him one day.I want to be some one like that.This doctor is another inspiration of mine which has started ever since wednesday.
We can't thank you enough you,sir though you made most of our hearts palpitate in your classes.I'm very proud to say,I'm his last victim which he had picked on(the least number of times,I would say)..and I;m very happy for that.
Just like Dr.Krishna had said "BEING A DOCTOR IS NOT AN EASY STEP"..and now,who will deny that?I know,I still have a long way to go in this path of CARDIOLOGY.
Once again,Thank you DR.
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