1st January'10 @2000
Sipping a nice hot cup full of green-tea,allow me to extend my wishes of a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 to all my friends out there.May the year be a real good one for all those are still bravely standing facing all the challenges that are coming their way.Good luck to everyone out there,you can do it!!!
When the word 'new year' comes out from your mouth,automatically the next question that will be asked will be "so,what's your new year resolutions?"According to wikipedia(the widely used cum favourite of everyone's, resolution is defined as : a written motion adopted by a deliberative body.I know many have already have at least one resolution for a brand new year or maybe a list full of resolutions,resolutions which have accumulated from the previous years that need a serious attention in fulfilling and etc.There are also people like me who has NO RESOLUTIONS at all!! Like I had said ,"I welcome everything that comes my way,let it be good or bad,hopefully more good.."I don't need something very dictative to tie me down completely from doing something that I desire.To a lesser extent,I have always had the same resolutions (when I used to have them) and I realised,I still can achieve them without totally restraining myself..so Navanita rejects the idea of resolution,SAY NO TO RESOLUTIONS!! ~ on a second note here,I made Dad take up a very serious challenge and from the person who's not totally into resolutions,Dad has been forced to take up a resolution by me,ragu and mum.Will see how Dad will fare in it,We love you very much, Daddy and it's for you.
As for this new year,I definitely want to be a better person.Yes,better than last year.
The attitude which I have possessed will not change for anyone.
Part of them are:
-I view everything in a more wider aspect now.I'd like to maintain that.
-I am not responsible for other people's action.
-Those who don't fit into my friend's list's criteria are not worth my time,so stop acting funny with me.
The improvised attitude of mine for the year:
-I will be totally honest and true to myself.
-I won't be such a softie inside though I look tough on the outside(that's according to vicks).
-believe completely in "if it's meant to be,It will certainly happen once for real".
2010,please pass by me very very slowly,there;s no hurry for you to snatch away my university life..finally,there's only 1 more year left for me to graduate.I can;t believe this..and only then the real drama of my life will start.
Let's hope for the very best in 2010.
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