12th February'10@1600
"Nava,what's the plan for sunday?" Jeff questioned me to which I responded with a smile.Still the both funny groupmates of mine,who are apparently my walking partners from psychiatry hospital(every day!) continued asking "You know what's the day right?" This time I responded back saying "No,I don't" obviously with a smile,again.They didn't believe though saying "ah,you don;t know?" and burst out laughing! Jeff again "what you will be doing on sunday?" Me: "will be dating my psychiatry notes.That's the plan for Tuesday's exam!"...so here you go,the time of the year came again for us to show and spread love.Thanks to St.Valentine for making it an official day to celebrate the day of love,but,just the me asking again a very simple question:"I thought everyday is a Valentine's Day,no?"
10th Semester had been officiated with psychiatry exam cycle..yeap it has been a week,and next Tuesday will be my first exam for the semester.So still trying to get all the psychiatry terms into my mind.The first few days I found it very hard to get started with books after the extreme hibernation and idle me of 10 days of holidays.I was complaining "WHY ONLY 10 DAYS?".."I WANT A LONGER WINTER BREAK!!!".But now,I find psychiatry is interesting,too though not that much when it comes to patients,well will come to that point very soon...
Previous semester,Dr.Kitaieva was our mentor and for this semester,Dr.Ivan Borisovich took over and he will be our examiner.He's very good at commenting and explaining and the best thing about him is he himself being the 'patient' especially when he mimics and demonstrates gestures,physical appearance and every day situations of a psychic patients.Good job,Dr.
Last semester,the whole cycle was spent in our classroom wherelse this semester,we were exposed more to patients.2 days consequently (yesterday and today) we visited the female department.All of us had the fear (atleast the slightest) before we were even told to change our second pair of shoes and get ready to face the patients.
Yesterday was my very first time being in the department.I was on my guard,so did my groupmates.As the main door was unlocked to let us in,the very first female patient we say exerted the fear in all of till the end.She was in her green robe,with a continuous serious look,with subtly flexed face,looking very intensely at us.We walked pass the many patients wandering outside their wards and a few even came out from their rooms upon seeing the 'new doctors'.I was standing beside the couch seated by sarah,xiang yun and treasure,when we saw the lady in green was advancing her pace towards us with a manner to attack.My heart started to pound and when another patient(whom later was interviewed) approached us,she turned away and was back to her initial position standing behind the locked door.Phewww!!!
3 patients were interviewed.Everyone with 3rd auditory hallucinations.I wonder what the voices been telling them while they(the patients) were facing us.The very much anticipated abdalla became as quiet as a mouse upon seeing the patients.Though with delusions,agitation,tangentiality,flight of ideas which can annoy others,they still need the fullest care and support to get better because there's no way they can manage it/recover with only medications,or most of the time there;s no history of full recovery in psychiatry patients.Today,we had 2 patients with Alzheimer's Dementia and Vascular Dementia.2 different patients(totally).Impairement memory and intelligence are clearly visible when the clock could be drawn(to access visiospatial) but failure to point it at 3.40pm.Both patients couldn't even remember their children and spouses names.How saddening is that now right?Alzheimer;an unknown ethiology of progressive impairement of the brain's function can give a different outlook towards life to appreciate and be thankful for being the gifted ones once you're exposed to these type of situations.Still,no one can predict who will be the next victim of Alzheimer's as the age catches up.
On another note,on monday and tuesday,zakiah and I were followed by a young lad in his early 20s by the name Dima.From my observation,he is definitely a patient over there.His movements were rigid(like a robort),bright red eyes but well groomed and with a slow speech.Initially,abdalla became his first friend after I passed by him and went up upstairs.He followed abdalla and wanted to get to know the girls.Luckily,all of us were saved by Dr.Ivan Borisovich ushering us into the classroom.The next day,as I entered the department,he was waiting over there.He came so close that I started to get anxious.As the approach towards psychiatry patients are more 'gentle',I remained on my position and came a question "what's your name?" "Leena",I answered to which he replied "nice name"."On friday,can you come for a concert?" Me: "I can't,I have classes".Dima:"Okay,after class,you come". Me:"okay".I was just waiting to get out of his sight and quickly climbed up to my class.Later during break and again as zakiah and I were at the washroom,he appeared again asking zakiah "Is Leena in there?"..Came out,he asked me something which I couldn;t undertsand and I said "bye" and left.Now,isn't that a freaking good experience to have had an encounter with these patients?
To all those are reading this entry of mine: "Happy Valentine's Day to all of you".And remember,Valentine's Day is a day to show your gratitude,appreciation and love to the ones you kept very very close to your heart and carry them wherever you go:) Celebrate the day and if possible,make it an everyday event,and not only for a day(14th February each year!)
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