3rd march'10@1715
This entry of mine definitely will sound like 'the most exhausted girl's entry' ever!!!I think I'm losing my stamina..no I hate that seriously!Then how do you call the syndrome(?) of feeling tired almost everyday and looking damn tired to others?Still,appetite is on,infact I've been quite a 'ferocious' eater for the past few days.I just felt like popping every single food into my mouth...I know this will make some people happy but guess I have to watch out what I'm eating,I still want to slip right into my prefects clothes of the 18 year old me!
I was feeling so bloody sleepy in russian class half an hour ago.Infact all of us were!I was just hoping Mdm.Tatyana will notice and let us go earlier,but it wasn't any earlier that 5 pm.:(WIth clinical pharmacology on the run,life is all back to PHARMACOLOGY with my favourite Mdm.Dugina.Interesting subject,as it has always been but to have a very high expectation on us on the very first day of class is definitely a bad idea!And I can't seem to be able to revise the previous days topics because it takes ages to remember everything so intactly..duh,how am I going to fit everything in my small cerebral cortex?*AN ADDITIONAL HEADACHE,NOW!*.
I know I should have been just gotten under my comfy blanket and have atleast 2 hours of nap but again,I know I've been looking at my blog from the corner of my eyes for the past few days,so here I am today.Missed writing something very very interesting;well can't blame me,into the usual 'latent period':p
Maybe I should get some sleep before I collapse to the ground,lol.
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