28th Dec'10@1940
I decided to blog after the many failured attempts to change the skin of my blog's background.They are nice ones but they just don't fit into the 'look' that i wanted.I will stick with my classic and cool black background but not to completely ignore the contents of my blog.The entries/posts starting from 1st Jan 2011 will be more inspiring and different than how it used to be.Not going to abuse my blog for any purposes,I guarantee you that:)
The most awaited winter has finally taken its toll.The snow is just more than 3 feet high.Due to that,there's massive traffic everywhere but there's no honking sounds can be heard,unlike in Malaysia when there's a traffic.No public transports/private vehicles could get you to your destinations unless if you're travelling on your foot.My very 1st time in 6 years here,I actually appreciated the beauty of snow thoroughly while coursing through the snow for lectures and to my destinations.Terrific weather with just 3*C.Thank God,it didnt get any lower than that.My stamina has doubled and became more stable that I could walk more than 10 kms/day.Yes,I walked that far so that I'd be able to attend my last lecture with Dr.Tatyana.Even today,I got down the bus mid-way and walked from University to Gorkova Sq, to be with my groupmates to celebrate Jeff's birthday in Mir Pizza.
Last winter here and definitely snow fight is a must on the schedule!Almost a big group of us went down,outside 1st Hostel and had a good 'fight' for about 1 hour.That was truly awesome,guys!! We should do that more often till the snows are abundantly rich...when's next?on 31st dec?:)
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