24th August'11 @ 0220
Prema in telugu means love.5 letters in Telugu and 4 letters in English.I'm not the right person to write on this subjective feeling.Did you know?Being a good listener somehow always in return,is expected to give your opinion,even when you try to 'run away' from 'few sensitive topics'.
So here it goes,I have the slightest idea on how many will nod in agreement with me but this captivating word is causing unlimited miseries/joy/pleasure and yes,you may add other describable words/feelings if you wish.
It's not an old news,but few times I was asked "how do you know if it's a true love?"..darn! I was so tempted to answer "dude,you got no better questions to ask during meeting ups?",instead I replied, "when it happens to you,then you'll know".Answered nonchalantly,you think?.And you will secretly hope that no further questions will be shot at you but before you could realise,there comes "but when and how la..." from the mouth of your bestie.Now you have no choice,when the request is stronger than before.See this is what i said,being a good listener and observer aren't enough (at times!).
My very personal opinion on love-it is a subjective feeling,better to say it's a good blend of all the feelings in the whole world-happiness,sadness,ecstasy,dreamy feeling(e.g flying so up in the sky),turning into a Jr.Shakespeare,feeling 'lighter' regardless of day/night,racing heartbeats or sometimes you could have the sensation of skipped heartbeats..okay enough with that,others might have different symptoms when you fell into one.Yet,not all can be considered as true love and one cannot ascertain it will last forever.
In this new age,is there still true love?Don't mistaken me,I'm not against love.I am still adamant on "love is the greatest feeling on the earth".But the existence of true love is questionable in modern society.How things could be so different during our grandparents days?Their family institution was far more stronger than how it is now in young generations'.As we become more educated,nonetheless,we become more ignorant and less thankful of each other.Everybody wants to win but nobody wants to listen,now that's something to be rectified.
It's not wise enough to ask a teenager/youngsters on 'what is love?'.If you're seeking for the most humble,innocent and honest answer--ask kids and the senior citizens who still walk hand in hand.Few years back,I came across a special column in thestar written on love-the entry was entitled S.H.M.I.L.Y which stands for 'see how much i love you'.The story was about how this couples will leave the S.H.M.I.L.Y abbreviation in written form on a piece of paper,on the grains,in their closet only being discovered later by the other half.On the other hand ,a kid at his/her tender age replied "love is when mum cooks dad's most favourite dish" or "love is when dad brings mum roses in the evenings and hugs her from behind"..now isn't that a sweet reply?Kids practice what they see,just like "you reap what you sew".
Love can come in many forms,it's you who have full control over it.They say 'appreciate that someone when he/she is still there" because it's pointless to cry over a spilled milk.So why wait for tomorrow to say 'I am sorry'' or "thank you" when you still have today???Saying 'sorry' doesn't degrade yourself,but it shows how much you love and care for the person by setting aside your ego merely because you still want them in your life.Mostly,people are blinded from the very start that they don't see all the simple things that are needed to a put a smile on each other's face.
To tell the truth,I look with much admiration at the grandpas and grandmothers while on my outings.Usually I will steal quick glances at them (until I've been caught by them) before I give them a smile and guess what?Grandpas and grandmas will flash back their toothless smiles at me:) I love that sight,don't ask me why but they are the icon for "it's not how much love you have in the beginning,but it's how much love you built towards the end".
So,the next time you need advice on true love, kindly refer to senior citizens and you'll be awed at their successful secret recipe of long standing marriage and love.Perhaps,true love is still out there because of them:)
Hats off.. Such a good write up. Feel touch in most of the sentences. I personally love these lines "So why wait for tomorrow to say 'I am sorry'' or "thank you" when you still have today???Saying 'sorry' doesn't degrade yourself,but it shows how much you love and care for the person by setting aside your ego merely because you still want them in your life" & "love is when mum cooks dad's most favourite dish" or "love is when dad brings mum roses in the evenings and hugs her from behind"
ReplyDelete:) and thank you.