Saturday, December 29, 2012

not to give up,ever.

29th December 2012 @ 1540 H

They say housemanship is all about learning the skills and working experience which we had never experienced in Medic School.I totally agree on that point,only if you allow me to add this;housemanship is also all about learning how to painfully digest the mistakes of others when they are hurled at you,housemanship is how to make your adipose layer thick(hoping that nothing said will affect you,which is absolutely false unless you're one heartless person!)by persistently approaching your sarcastic superior for consultation,housemanship is learning to not to wash off your hands in the mid way thinking someone else (as promised) will take care of it,housemanship is all about being all in one in a day's work(that includes in doing every other people's jobs including yours).

Working in different departments made my eyes open to few things.In my previous posting where only 1 lady is a MO,the working environment was more fun as it wasn't emotionally inclined.Specialists ( with exception of a few) do not scold you.It was more of an 'stern tone'..which I won't describe as getting all blown up.Definitely,girls have the most advantage when the environment is conquered by the Adams.I'm sure you don't need an explanation why but at the same time,it feels awkward to get caught in between all of them when you're working as every pair of eyes will be directed at you when your eyes mercilessly point to everyone that you're lost in their conversation.At that moment,the uncomfortable feeling will engulf you and you just wish to sink into the floor.Otherwise,working with the Adams team seems more rewarding,easily approachable when your are in doubt and less stressful compared to where I am now.

The current department where I am now is adrenaline rush enviroment(well, that's what the ones work who work there makes it look like!) coupled with excessive emotions ,including the Adam team who work there.Will it ever get better?If a MO cannot maintain his/her calm,how do a young HO like me to begin with?Identified nice souls in this department and atleast now I can question them when I'm not clear on something and it feels good,unlike how it was few weeks ago when I missed my previous posting and my highly respected mentor.I'm convinced now that,somehow,things will get better as it goes.

Otherwise,for me,housemanship period is where I am learning not to ever give up on what I'm doing and whatever that may come/seems to be hard,will eventually pass and make things easier,and that;s only when I don;t give up,ever.


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