Thursday, July 30, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009
A Fabulous Evening,Thank You.
26th July'09 @ 0131
Date & Time : 25th July 2009 at 7.30 pm
Venue : Yeoldie English,Ipoh Garden
Objective : Annual Grand Reunion 2009
Attendance : 1.Anne Julianna
2.Audrey Malanee
6.Sree Vaneesa
Absentees : 1. Sathia Vani
2.Charanjeet Kaur
3.Hema Rani
4.Lisa Malar
Adjourned Time : 10.30pm
*To my partners in crime,first of all a very big toast for US!We're still going strong despite the million miles separating us.I had a fantastic evening with you all(like always).I laughed my heart out after such a long time.Lovely,you guys are the best,what else can I say?It's nothing like you guys don't know,I'm blessed to have all of you in my life.*
-My token of appreciation-
Audrey @ lecturer cum student,I'm definitely proud of you and yeah the rest were envious when you hugged me first.Aud,thanks for the sweetest school memories.You owe me a lunch/outing date,don't forget.<3
Shalani @ my relative cum best buddy: May my guardian angel be by your side during your interviews.You'll do excellent ,shalu.Thanks for the gym's 'bajus' stories,enjoyed them very much.Yeoldie's was good.<3
Vekneshwari @ My personal consultant.Thanks a tonne for the keropok lekor and dodol from Terengganu.You've been great,congrats on your graduation and all the best in job hunting.<3
Lavania @ my sweetest friend ever.Lava,no matter what,you're still the best.You look more matured than any of us.You're doing a wonderful job out there,ms.masters.Congrats on your upcoming second graduation.Will be missing you tonnes.<3
Subhashini @ champ of the troop. No one can beat the way you express yourself.You attracted everyone with your laughters.Still,reunions won't be the same without you.You're the most wanted person.<3
Sree Vaneesa @ the 'peace' sign's promoter : Job doesn't hinder you from re-uniting you with us.Keep doing well with your job,well I'm sure you will make it.Sree,I ditch the years of silence between us..thanks to charan for making things possible.I'm glad we're buddies now.<3
Anne Julianna @ dj tarantula of the house : you never fail to make me laugh.No one does a better than you,joker.I'm very delightful that you made it to our reunion though after the leg sprain and sun-tanned.Keep rocking the house dj! <3
" ' All I Would Like To Say Is:
The Most I Can Do For My Friend,
Is Simply To Be Her Friend,
I Have No Wealth To Bestow On Her,
If She Knows That I'm Happy In Loving Her,
She Will Want No Other REWARD ' "
Aud,do those aforementioned lines sound familiar?It's written by you to me on 1st August 2000.
It's very meaningful to me,Aud.
Thanks a bunch from the bottom of my heart for making my day.
Till the next reunion,Love ya'll and will be mssing all of you dearly.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I <3 my brain.And you?

Brain foods are foods that help improve functioning within the brain.
A list of “50 Good Brain Foods“:
Acai berries
Brewer’s yeast
Brown rice
Brussels sprouts
Collard greens
Dark chocolate
Flaxseed oil
Green Tea
Lean beef
Peanut butter
Pumpkin seeds
Red cabbage
Red grapes
Romaine lettuce
Stabilized rice bran
Wheat germ
Foods in the complex carbohydrates family are amongst the best type of brain foods. In complex carbohydrates, the molecules are longer. Because the molecular structure is longer, it takes a longer period of time for our intestines to digest and break-down the complex carbohydrates into simple sugars that our body is able to use. Why is a longer digestion or breaking-down process optimal? Because they don’t provide us with a large surge of energy and then die down. They provide our bodies and brain with optimal amounts of balanced energy for our body and brain to access.
Eating foods high on the glycemic-index will put lots of stress on the pancreas and will directly affect the body, brain, and our hormone levels. Because the pancreas becomes over-stressed and overworked, the body may feel sluggish and the brain may feel initially energized, but will likely crash within a short period of time. That is why eating foods with a low-glycemic index are recommended.
They don’t put pressure on the pancreas to excrete much insulin and our blood sugar levels remain steady. When our blood sugar levels are steady, our brain is being fed a constant, steady supply of energy to work with; rather than excess energy for 20 minutes followed by a mental burnout for several hours.
- fights aging in the brain and significantly reduces cognitive decline in the elderly.
-its monounsaturated; promoting increased circulation and bloodflow to the brain and the body.
-Compounds in blueberries “reverse” short-term memory loss.
- prevent brain aging and actually trigger specific neural-pathways in the brain to enhance cognition and mental processing speed.
-prevent dementia in women.
-helps control the amount of water your body retains and helps eliminate bloating. *Neurologists recommend eating spinach at least 3 times a week as brain food.
-nutrient “cholin” in eggs plays an essential role in the development of brain motor functioning and memory.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
frustrated over arrogance

wanted or unwanted?
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Unforgettable Days.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Just being me,myself and I
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I'm back alive...
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Gen 2 & I

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Part III of 'My hang out'

Friday, July 10, 2009
Give time TIME

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
'hang out' in the ER

Monday, July 6, 2009
The busy Bee

Saturday, July 4, 2009
The New Man In You