11th July'09 @ 0126
"Guess this is what people call heart to heart talk,thanks vicks".
"yeap true,this is what besties do at midnight"..."good night,take care"
-so ended the conversation of 2 hours between vicks and I.Vicks,i never told you this before--thanks for your concern and your care,dear friend.I have to say this,I got to know you better this year compared to the many years we spent together in school.Time is what it takes to get to know a person better,well that's according to you.You're right girl,time is all that matters.Time heals almost everything,true?my verdict will be in a few years time on this phrase.
If anyone ask me what comes first in life?:time or money?my answer will be clear-cut:TIME.surprised?thought i might say money?nope..money has never been the prime 'chase-after-thingy-' for me(i hope it will stay that way for years to come).Money is not everything..money is important but IT's NOT EVERYTHING!I know few others might think i'm going nuts for choosing time over money.Looking back at the many things revolving around me,the factor of time has been forgotten by many.
One might not realise the importance and the value of time till it's abused and taken for granted by loved/dearest ones.
Sparing few minutes,can straighten the broken things.why is it so hard to sit and have a table talk?what's the use in releasing rage in hatred words,pretending and faking acts towards each other?i despise that very much.
A simple forgotten 'hello' and 'checking outs' can lead to misconceptions..*sigh* and the reason for all this?"hectic schedule and busy lifestyle ..."..darn,whateverla..in the end,it's all up to you how you are going to mend things back into action.Just do it before it's too late,sincerely hoping for that because it really hurts when the person you look up,respect and the most dearest to your heart behaves that way,yeah the way like any other people.
Don't wait for tomorrow to make the change,do it now,AT THIS VERY MOMENT.
Nothing more than I can ask here ,simply "Give Time TIME".You'll be surprised of the many things that can work out by this aptitude.
"20 years from now you will be more disappointed by teh things you didn't do than by the ones you did.So,throw off the bowlines,sail away from the safe harbor.Catch the trade winds in your sails.Explore.Dream."-Mark Twain.
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