15th July @ 1743
I was asking for an extraordinary day but didn't expect my day will turn out like this today.Unforgettable day..yes definitely: it's the day!
It was raining at the wee hours in the morning.Despite being awakened(i don't know by what?) many times at 1.30 am and 5 am,I could hear thunders and heavy rain pouring outside.As the alarm rang at 6.10am,i wished i could just drift into the bed..duh,who could actually resist such a nice weather to continue sleeping?I was very jovial today morning.I even had the time to chit chat with mum while sipping my milo.Left home at 7.45 am to the hospital.I turned on the fm like any other days,getting into the flow of the music and continued driving.The road was slippery and drenched after the overnight rain.Even at the moment i was driving,it was still drizzling.
I was at my usual speed between 90-100km/hour.Approximately 10 minutes away from the exit to batu gajah,I slowed down and braked upon seeing the traffic light turning red.Within a blink of the eye,I felt a thud behind,subsequently i jolted in front.My eyes quickly shot a look at the rear view mirror and ..yes like you had suspected..a yellow kelisa had just hit my Gen 2 from behind!I was so distracted that i blurted out "F***".Turned off the fm,unlocked the car, embarked out from Gen 2.The owner was a female in her 20s,hurried towards me saying 'sorry,sorry..I skidded,i tried to avoid but I lost control". *WTF* right?I mean,if you know how to speed,then you must be able to control the wheels..it was my very first time standing on a road with a stranger.My heart sunk when i saw the scratched marks and a dent right under the right side at the back on Gen 2.Luckily she tried to avoid,if not,she would've compensated more than she could.She sounded apologetic,didn't argue at all,instead confessed that she was guilty.I gave a call to mum.Mum had a talk with her and after jotting down her details:lecturer in Petronas University,her badly conditioned kelisa,mobile number and house address only,I let her go.
That was my second time near death experiences(though not so) if i were to classify it.The first time was during my lower six day(after 3 months of getting my license@ new driver).And again.it wasn't my fault.It was this mini lorry driver who out of nowhere sped off on my right resulting in inward turning and scratched right side-view mirror.I still remember that time i totally freaked out that I didn't even dare to call neither dad nor mum simply because I was terrified of the thought that they will never let me drive cars again in my life.But,everything turned out the other way round,i became more comfortable overtaking big vehicles,mum dad never scolded me but the first thing they asked upon me reaching home was "Are you okay?we don't care about the car..it's you that matters"..the same incident repeated today,since dad wasn't in ipoh,mum said "it's okay..you can still drive right?we will go to the mechanic after you're back from hospital".
I dismissed myself early today from the hospital at 3.30 pm.An hour ago Mum,I and mum's colleague were at the mechanic's after the meet up with the kelisa owner.She came with a friend of hers.She didn't even utter a word.The dealing and talking were done by her friend who looked like a big shot.He shook my hand saying "it was a disaster today morning..".I just replied back saying "hello..and yeah" the rest of the talking was done by mum and her colleague.Dad called me(just like always) at 1pm today asking where I was.I didn't tell him on the incident that had happened instead i just told" I'm in the hospital,not going home for lunch".Before reaching the automobile's,dad returned my call and I informed on what had happened.I felt jitters all over when I hid the news from dad.Dad was like "so it happened early in the morning.." and I know the meaning of the a pause in his voice.Second call came right after I arrived at home and dad's voice said "I know it's not your fault,must've been the driver driving recklessly"..so it's done and to put it all together,my Gen 2 will be sent back to me tomorrow in the evening.
I know how much the Gen 2 means to Ragu.I was mentioning earlier it's mine right?Actually it's not.The Gen 2 belongs to Ragu.It's his 21st birthday gift from mum and dad.He left it for me for 2 months till my return to Russia.I know how carefully he took care of his so called 'angel'..I'm not going to tell him on what had happened.No doubt,it will break his heart though after a slight touch up,Gen 2 will be shining like a brand new car.Sorry Ragu.You know I'm a better driver than you.Just a slight mishap,nothing more critical..useless kelisa driver!
Before dad and mum got him one,I've always admired Gen 2's sleek features..I loved it and upon my landing,Gen 2 actually received me in KLIA.It became my most loyal companion during my outings,drives to teluk intan,outings with mum,dad,ragu and my besties.Lovely car indeed,and it's my angel too.
To sum it all,tomorrow I will be off from the hospital.Unavoidable since dad's not around,kancil with Ragu and Gen 2 is being improvised.I'm longing to see you,Gen 2.Missing you terribly though it has only been 2 hours since I left you.:(
What a day!
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