23rd July'09 @ 1404
an early entry for today.
an early frustrated entry.
An early pissed entry.
an early mixed up feelings entry!!
an entry of dissatisfaction.
an entry which will never be justified.
I really hate what's going on in A&E especially when the "I'm extremely the best" Dr.Lee is there.Why is she so arrogant? arrogant to the extreme, I would say.From the very first day,she never even looked at us.I don't even know where she 'threw' my evaluation printed paper and official letter from the Jabatan Kesihatan.She's one of the many senior doctors who anti-foreign medical students with a special note if one is from Russia.She just has something against us i think despite her profession's oath.Who am I to bad mouth her right?After all I'm just a 4th year medical student.Still,I can't bottle up whatever she had said indirectly to us.We are invisible to her.We don't exist in front of her eyes.She jokes and talks well with the MAs and patients but not even a look at us when we were just in the department.While interpreting ECG,we were in the room with the MAs and her but she only referred and taught the MAs..we were just IGNORED.It's okay if you don't want to teach us,just don't be sarcastic in return.Like today,she said " too many people" surrounding a school boy with complaints of sudden fever and epigastric pain.When an Indian boy couldn't lye on his back after hitting his buttocks on ground,my friend said "his buttocks is painful".,guess what was her reply?"NOT BUTTOCKS(with a stern face) ,it's GLUTEUS!"..H.E.L.L,you think we don't know? Obviously,we cannot tell the patient "what happen to your gluteus?".While she was examining the patient surrounded by us,she was using the word 'punggung'..now tell me,punggung and buttocks not the same?never taught us anything despite being highly experienced(claimed by the director) but she definitely knows how to hurt students with her sarcasm. A doctor SHOULD NEVER EVER BEHAVE /BE LIKE HER.I don't want to say this but I don't like her.Now A&E has become my least favourite place to hang out when she's there.I wish she will be off for the next 2 weeks and replaced by other doctors..anyone will do,but NOT DR.LEE.In comparison with the other doctors,she's not charismatic enough..even patients would prefer other doctors..once even one of the many frequent patients hinted to us that 'she's moody'.I'm not going to be pulled down by her,it's okay if you don't want us to be in your department and yeah you don't have to waste your time on us.Keep all your hard earned knowledge within you.Period.
Arrogance should never be adopted.I've seen many highly respected,prominent people who are more down-to-earth.What;s there to be arrogant?is it because you're just simply the highly intelligent one?Why not share your knowledge with us?We are seeking for your attention because of your greatness..how could you turn a blind eye on us?Back in Russia,the only doctor whom i regard as being arrogant will definitely be Dr.Andrevna.I know she has all the valid reasons to be like that simply because she's all knowledgeable and very brilliant.I used to have other opinion on her but i was proven wrong.She is someone who you'd wish to be in future.She's unlike Dr.Lee.She still teaches with sarcasm despite being a cunning one.Yet,the best ones and my all time favourite Dr.Tatyana(there's no one to replace you,ma'am,salute you!),.Dr.Panova,Dr.Pavlovna,Dr.Yulia.It will take ages to be like them.Most respected cum best lecturers ever.
I'm still boiling deep inside me..anger is mounting but trying to supress it..let's work harder ,there are still a millions of things to learn...
*hoping for a better day in hospital tomorrow*(keeping my fingers crossed)
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