090909 @ 2315
D.O.C.T NAVANITA,welcome to 5th year!
a special note:thanks for all your wishes for my exam:mum,dad,ragu, shalu,sarah,maalini,soo ching,sevvanthee,suvin,ravi,jia lynn,sara,kiran,zakiah.
A breath of relief air after 2 months ++ of heaving heartbeat and load in me.Like I had planned earlier to unlift the burden in me from the previous semester,I successfully completed my Internal Medicine exam today at 5pm,after having face to face session with the most digeruni Dr.Andrevna.I can't believe that I actually sat opposite her in the examination hall...but before that,to tell ya,I had the most memorable day which I will never forget ever.
For the very first time,I had to rush back to the dean's and pay to sit for the exam since I postponed it from previous semester.Halfway on my way to the dean's from the hospital,I was cursing(not really) Yuri for not being serious on the payment matter.He gave us permission to sit for the exam but didn't mention on paying.
Upon reaching the hospital,you can imagine with all the tension and spiked up cathecolamine level in the blood,I was furious when the assistant examiner told Jia Lynn and I were not allowed to sit for the exam without our payment receipt.We changed back into our casual wear,changed our second pair of shoes and was practically ran to catch the bus to the dean's.
Only God knows how repentful I was while walking under the scorching sun(not so la,compared to in Malaysia) to the dean's.I swear ,I will not be a CHICKEN next time by BACKING OUT LAST MINUTE.I was muttering silently.."see nita,this wouldn't have happened if only you had done your exam on your day!".
We left the dean's around 1.40pm after the payment.We could've reached earlier to the hospital but since we walked thinking it was nearer,we were lost and were actually went further down the road,had to stop few Russian strangers and enquire the way to the hospital.Jia Lynn never would have thought her idea to walk could make us so worn out..and I was actually thinking of boarding the bus and going back to hostel!
Reached around 2 pm to the hospital,hurried once again to the previous classroom,only to realise Dr.Tatyana was locking the door.She saw us and I've no idea why,it just ran across my mind:"she must be thinking,hey this lecture girl,hasn't done her exam yet?"..after gathering my stethoscope,tonometer,pencil case and internal hand book,we left,got our patient for the day.My first patient,he wasn't in the ward.Once again,I was crushed as I know every other people was in the examination hall or already done with examining their patients and me?stuck with a missing patient..another patient in the ward offered to be my patient,but I declined.Dr.Natalia gave me another patient,and I pronto went to her ward.Once again,it's just not my day..the patient has hearing impairement which means..you knowla,how to get informations that I need to make a diagnosis if she can't hear me?..duh,I sat beside her,managed to get a scratch of details on her admission.Later,a patient voluntered to be our translator.As I thought,things will turn good,the patient got emotional,agitated and I was told by the volunteer to leave and came in later after she has calmed down!I was..no words to describe my feelings except I really felt like weeping,my face had turned hyperemic,I took all my things and left the ward."You guys just don;t understand,I'm having exam TODAY!"..I told to myself in between the moments of about to breakdown!
Dr.Natalia came,pretty much irritated seeing me standing outside her room."Why are you waiting here?" Me:"The patient can;t hear,and she doesn't want to co-operate" Hence,she told me to make a diagnosis on progressive angina which means I did suspect the diagnosis correctly based on the patient's history.So there I was,leaning against the wall of 5th floor,fill dup the form on diagnosis,physical examination,lab investigation and the treatment.
After 15 minutes,Dr.Natalia came with Dr.Petrov who asked me: "so,are you ready to present your diagnosis?" I quickly turned to Dr.Natalia and gave her my papers because I didn't want to spend another few minutes explaing to him about my patient.Later on,Dr.Natalia went to check on the patient,and I was allowed to go to the examination hall..finally!!!
As I entered the exam hall,I noticed my previous 3rd year's beloved Dr,Pavlovna.Later,my most respected Dr.Tatyana came to my view.I sat at the front table facing her.After I settled down,I realised,I was actually sitting infront of Dr.Andrevna who's busy questioning another 6th year student...darn.I continued answering my questions on asthma,insulin and ECG.Jia Lynn broke into laughter when Dr.Andrevna asked a student" Did you know what Dr.House will do?" on Cor Pulmonale.I looked up and smiled and bistro,looked down before I heard Dr Andrevna laughed too and peeping over the student's shoulder towards us!
Oh yeah,did i tell you?I'm always the luckiest one during exams..I will always get the best Drs to question me.The moment I saw Dr.Tatyana,I felt lighter but I knew I wouldn't be getting her as my examiner.She actually walked out the room once i start writing my answers.After 20 minutes,she walked in.My name was called and I knew,my examiner would be Dr.Andrevna.I was pretty much had calmed down maybe after the long walk to the hospital:p.
Sat infront of her.Started few lines on asthma,she said "Not like this" and I thought I gave her the wrong definition!Instead,she took away my papers,and turned them over which means I was not ALLOWED to see/read from what I had written.I had to see her and tell her on her face!
So started my exam session with her.She made me sit with her for almost more than 30 minutes when the others are already done..I was the second last to leave the examination room besides Karan.She loves to interrupt while you're fluently speaking,loves to see the confused look on your face when she throws questions at you.For her,my exam questions didn't interest her much.I was suprised I actually asked her "then what am I supposed to answer?"..Dr.Andrevna:"Continue"..lol.
After done with teh questions,her attention shifted to my ECG.Got it right: Atrial Fibrillation.Then she gave me another 2 ECGs(if I'm not mistaken),then wanted to give me a 4.I smiled and after the neuro effect,guess I could take it.An unexpected miracle took place,Dr.Pavlovna who was watching me from the next table,told Dr.Andrevna: "No,give her another question,she can answer for 5".Dr.Andrevna shifted her gaze towards me.Dr.Pavlovna continued" I remember her,she is a good student,studies well".I was ready to leave but slumped back to my seat when Dr.Pavlovna voiced out.Dr.Tatyana,Dr.Andrevna and Dr.Pavlovna who were watching me,laughed about my reaction.And here you go,finally again,she gave an ECG..yeay..got it right too: ventricular tachycardia.They you go Nita,a 5 from the mighty Dr.Andrevna!Thank you ma'am.Wished my thanks to Dr.Tatyana,took my zachut book,and said thanks to Dr.Pavlovna who was at the registering table,she winked at me..thanks,ma'am.She still remembers her students,what can I say?I was her favourite what in class 2 years ago:)
As I was flying not so high,I realised my stethoscope and tonomoeter were missing in the examination hall.Surely somebody has mistakenly taken them.My missings were noted by the doctors and they actually surprised and Dr.Andrevna,shrugged her shoulders.Uhhoo,now if they are really missing,I have to get a new one,Luckily,I left my Littman at home.
I exitted the hall,messaged dad and mum.Dad called to congratulate.Mum called after reaching home from work and I told them the incidents which had taken place the whole day.
Believe me,neither it was a piece cake nor peace of mind to be back home when you still feel so incomplete with the tittle DOC instead of DOCT with the end of 4th year medical studies.
And now what?TB is waiting in line anxiously to get in touch with me.