I'm into my second cycle now: Paediatrics Surgery which has started last friday,located at the the Paediatrics Hospital,and we are under the responsibilty of Prof.Parshikof.Nice old man,very meticulous indeed,makes us follow each and every steps very attentively when it comes to interpreting the CXR (chest Xrays) and Abdominal X-rays.He will ask you to start back from square one even if you place the Xray films CORRECTLY on the screen.
Today the class started around 9.15am when we were asked to go for round with him.He's very punctual indeed.Zakiah and I reached his room 5 minutes before 9am.We're the first ones as usual.We knocked the door and heard his voice from inside "yes".
Being a professor is not easy.As we seat with him in the room to discuss on surgeries,his phone will be ringing,asking him to immediately come to the respected rooms,as his consultation is needed.So,we are ushered too by him..and yeah only those with caps,masks are allowed to follow him.
Finally today in class we discussed on oesophageal atresia,he even drew on his mini white board so that we will be able to understand better.Oh yeah,he speaks in russian though all the time.At times i wonder whether I'm taking my medic in their native language! But he knows english,any questions asked in english will be replied in a simple russian,which makes it easier for us.
So who said kids are the angels of life time?Below are their X-rays which Filzah and I managed to capture(as usual,we are the daring ones to do this!) them whilst the professor went out.Check out the X-rays and you'll agree with me that kids can be THE REAL BRATS of the century:

1st film: suicide attempt by a teenage girl.Swallowed numerous needles.No specific treatment.Only removal by feces.
2nd film:a kid swallowed a needle.(very obvious on the film!).Treatmeant applied as above.
3rd film:kid (again!) swallowed a key.How to remove?via oesophagoscopy or bronchoscopy.
4th film(the best one!):a swallowed coin!.Again,had to use oesophagoscopy and bronchoscopy.
I'm enthusiastic to learn about kids and their problems but there;s certain qualities to be a paediatrician.The very first quality: be extremely patient..do I have that much of patience?I can deal with it but kids,it's disheartening to see their conditions especially those with severe diseases and congenital abnormalities.Somehow,I'm enjoying my new rotation much,looking forward for class tomorrow and gain more inputs form the professor.
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