30th september'09@2306
I don't remember when was the last time I had an off day during my semesters--one day off between the transition period of subjects.Been real a long time,that's what I know for sure.A chance came today for group 531E...*vihodnii dien*
Had a good sleep,woke up 1 hour later.My mobile alarm rang melodiously "Oh,My lord" ringtone.I did wake up,turned it off and got back to sleep.
After getting settled down around 11am,I started with my paediatrics.Yeap,will be starting the end semester exam rotation tomorrow!! Going to be real exhausting but a FUN cum interesting cycle..what do you expect?It will be an exhilarating moments since I have to get prepared for the exam which comprises 3 semesters work.Not going to be easy,so have to really really word hard and get prepared well.After all ,Navanita is DETERMINED!
At about 2 pm,sevvanthee was cooking wherelse I just got down to the hostel's 'stalovaya'@ cafe,got my favourite meal and climbed upstairs.Sevvanthee: "hey.you're on break right?cookla.." Me: "*giggled*,malasla..moreover my resources are running out,need to get to ashan this week!"..lol..and that's me,just a run to the cafe to feed my grumbling stomach and to minimise the insult to my gastric mucosal layers from the secreted hydrocloric acid.
Whenever I will be at home/in my room,my appetite will definitely be so unsual..get bigger here,I mean.I had breakfast with biscuits,lunch.At 5pm,I got myself a bar bar of Kit Kat,finished munching it.Then around 9pm,I made myslef so called supper "egg omelette and 2 nuggets"..yeah i know it;s not a very healthy diet,but atleast the tomatoes+slices of cucumbers+a quarter egg+some leafy green veg would have balanced my intakes today,I hope:p
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