23rd September'09 @ 2130
I' m free with nothing to do RIGHT NOW?!!! You're absolutely wrong if you think that way.There are things which I'm supposed to be doing for instance;
1.rewrite my internal medicine lectures but my lecture book is with sarah,will be getting back tomorrow.so have to put off that plan now.
2.thought I would take hours to make notes on Meckel's Diverticulum and Acute Osteomyelitis,but life was made easy by the lecture materials which we took from the prof today.Moreover,I couldn't find this topics in the big blue book of paeds surgery.
3.Read on Abdominal X-ray made easy?Need to sharpen my skills though for the better when it comes interpreting the X-Rays..just like ECG.I'm still working on it.But I'm proud to say,I'm progressing better compared to when i was in 2nd year!!!talk about getting so madly in love with cardio,hence I see myself getting more 'intimate' with ECG;)
4.Revise the basic medical subject: HUMAN ANATOMY!! Only had consistent revision and midnight struggles remembering all the arteries,veins,nerves,innervations,functions in 1st and 2nd year.Once the exam was over,HUMAN ANATOMY only a 'snippet' in medical studies.So ,I have to GET STARTED!!!
5.Paediatrics answer scheme for the year end exam!I'm yet to get started with it.Class notes,lectures of 2 semesters are complete.My additional notes are complete( except for Cardiology:VSD,ASD,TOF..)So,have to add information on 1st semester work.Then,need to check the already pre-made answer scheme by the former seniors,just not to miss other points which I might have ignored.In addition to Nelson's essentials of Paediatrics,I bought another Paeds book recommended by the Dr.Allan -Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics by Lissauer Clayden.
Frankly,I can always opt to watch movie/take some time to relax but it contradicts with my usual routine.And if I still do it,my guiltiness will kill me in the next coming days.Guess I'm just too used to being occupied(during exam rotations) that whenever I'm supposed to take 5,i will still think of what to do next even when my mind pleads,"let's watch a movie,nita?"
We always watch a movie in the end... (We = medical students, not all of course) :)