27th september'09@1800
A sweet weekend without exams around the corner..it's incomparable to any other days,folks.But with my determination,I shall not let my ample free time/leisure time(you can address it that way,too) lure me away by just watching movies.I did live up to my words,I finished rewriting my lecture on Acute Radiation Injury,started with reading Chest X-Ray made easy..still have few more pages to go.I think i will be able to finish it today~
Weekend without movies?No! Finally,I managed to watch the most awaited Final Destination 4,sadly it wasn't as thrilling/gorry like the previous 3..the movie could have been more better,well that's my opinion!Saturday night after back from our Raya Open house,I read few pages on CXR then watched 'obsessed'-- usually it;s the adam species who will be exerting mental and emotional torture to the eve species,but this movie turned out to be the opposite.Sarah recommended the movie,not bad after all with Beyonce Knowles as co-star.Went to bed at 2 am.
Sunday morning,woke up at abt 9 am since roomie was awake early.After a good shower and prayers,mad emyself a cup of coffee,and yeah crackers to go along with it,sat infront of my DELL,turned on my current addiction(songs on Lord Krishna) and I just got immersed fully into them.I HAVE to say here that,the albums are definitely a big success.It's certainly a good way to attract youngsters to enjoy the holy chants and devotional songs.Their fusion of music,the sanskrit terms are simply mesmerising.Lord Krishna,you;re THE CHARMER OF THE GOPIS.
Since Krishna is my hero,I was playing the songs all day long in my playlist,listening to them with my earphones,changed my ringtone,alarm and message tones to these songs..see?that's how addicted I am to the songs.Check out the albums entitled:
1.Madhuram,My Sweet Lord
So will be ending my sunday today in 6 hours time,still need to get done with my laundry,memorise a russian text and do extra readings.
Tomorrow paeds surgery will be in 3rd hostel where we will be doing practicals on the dummies:IV,IM etc.It's going to be cool as usual ;)Okay,see ya then,bloggie..let's see how this week enfolds*wink*
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