29th October'09@2055
I had a real fudged up day today!It could never get any worse that this.I always anticipate my new rotations with high expectations only to realise few mentors are simply not cut off for that!I just hate that.I was all buckled up for today's new rotation but I only had to endure all the bad lucks...
First of all,I love my groupmates but when it comes to punctuality,they never live up to my expectations.I'm this person who value time punctuality anytime,anywhere.Guess the years of being prefect back in school trained me into a real good one when it concerns with time.I still can tolerate if you are late 10minutes but not any longer than that.So,2 of my Kenyan groupmates,came out late from their rooms.We headed towards the bus stop,flagged down bus no.43.We didn;t wait for the other 2 JPAs and a Mara because there was no sms-es saying "guys,please wait for us tomorrow" when I remembered yesterday we did tell them that we will be going to psychiatry hospital together.As we wanted to jump another bus,37 which uses another less jammed road,we got down at the next stop.The bus was just behind us but as we got nearer,the door's shut automatically..okay this another scene which you can see frequently while boarding the bus here-I;m kind of used to this because undeniably,Russians let say quarter of them have this dominant gene called 'stupidity' encoded in their sex chromosomes..so now you know,it's passed from generation to generation and there;s nothing much can be done on that fact.
Oh did i tellyou that?To make things worse,today it snowed and pouring at the same time!I would have preferred a cold weather in Malaysia but here it just gets too extreme you know though at times I simply love it.But,the pre-winter weather came too soon this year,hey it's not even November and now you will be seeing this fluctuating temperature everyday which can make loads more sick and unwell students...*sigh*..so when the bus door was closed on our faces,we had to wait for another bus which uses the same route,No.85.Luckily,that bus came earlier.We didn't want to board No.1 as it goes through the city which will take more longer and the traffic which wasn;t budging an inch,we decided to get to Covetskaya Sq.
Less traffic as we had expected,jumped into No.41 but just to note,the door was shut before we could get in but the good samaritan(the bus driver),let us in..Oh,I was so thankful!!!Then in 20 minutes time(at 9am) we reached the Sovetskaya Sq.Once my feet touched down the ground,I was hurrying followed by Jeff,Abdalla,Zakiah and Sara trying to keep up with my pace.I have been to that hospital for my psychology lecture once in 2nd year.I knew the way but wasn;t sure which building.I knew Groups D and F had reached earlier..that's not good..As we entered the main gate,we saw Wani,Shahrul and Fil were just ahead of us few meters."Right then,we're not late",I told myself.After climbing up the stairs to 5th floor,to my relief,I saw everyone infact just reached and were cladding their white coats!!! Choosing the other route unlike the others indeed made us reach the hospital on time like any of them despite being the latest to board the bus.
So you know it's psychiatry hospital.I should have taken a picture of the so called classroom where our lecture was held.Wait,was it even called a lecture when all we did was copying down the 'copy paste' lecture material from the net on our books?I was like sitting about 2 meters away from the lap top containing the lecture materials since the front seats were occupied.The lecturer/a psychiatric obviously not the lecturer material type,no I don;t want to put a bad comment here on him.Thank God,I won't be getting him for my tutorials though I know I will be getting the most strictest one tomorrow,a lady.My group is always blessed with all the big shots and the best ones ever since our 1st year..so I'm okay with it.Okay,let me tell you why I really got pissed with him..he wasn't delievering lecture in the very first place just because he was busy!He came in,read out at super speed,being so inconsiderate of us who were trying to copy down the lectures.I won;t be complaining if it I could see the lap top screen but with the many heads peeking over infront of me,I just gave up at one point and I was at my worst temper!
Today's lecture was the worst one ever,even chemistry lecture by the Russian Professor in 1st year was loads more better and ineresting.Where's the sense,Dr I mean please don't tell us you don;t have a projector to screen you lecture materials for us!As I was trying to cope with it,2 assistants(maybe?),hopefully they are not psychiatrics came into the room to check on us when the lecturer was away..and they made things even worse my just chit-chatting while us trying to hear abdalla who was reading the lecture material.At one point,his voice just drowned with them raising voice,IGNORING US COMPLETELY! I really felt like telling them on their face "SHUT UP and GET OUT".Though we were making faces and indirectly saying 'shut up,stupid,go out' seems it didn't reach to their cochlears..arrggggggggghhhhhh!!!!By that time,I was already at the peak of my temper.
The lecturer entered again,tried to speed up his lectures and I snapped my pen on my notebook and just folded my arms.I came back home and rewrote the 15 minutes lecture which I left unattended.Once he left,we resumed back our copying lecrure when abdalla and sevvanthee took charge by reading them out loud.We did go an extra mile by saving all the lecture materials in Filzah's pendrive!
Thirdly,NEVER consume any water if you will be having classes in the psychiatry hospital.Every single doors to the department are closed tightly,you can never get into them easily even when you are in a desperate situation to go to the ladies.I truly understand,the mentally unwell patients are dangerous at large but atleast they should have been ladies/gents nearby right?How can you actually control your involuntary act?What if your urinary bladder just explodes?Shoot!!!!Damned!God save us for the next 7 days when we are in that hospital!
See,how doomed my day was today?So what's next for tomorrow?..duh..hopefully,we won't be chased around the hospital by some psychics!
hahaha...going to Psycho hosp is a pain since all the buses will definitely be packed at that time. but i think we've got it mixed up...my teacher is the "strictest". :(((( she expects us to memorize the whole chapter which we're discussing...cannot look and refer! ahh~ how to study if i fall asleep everytime i read the thing?
ReplyDeleteand i thought my teacher,Kitaeva is the strictest and voila,she turned out to be a sweet angel..she's not that schematic,we can tell her our opinions,provided must done reading first:)..I have to catch the bus 1 hour earlierla,i think going to aftozavod is loads more easier pula..let's enjoy our psychiatric classes:)*semangat,sarah*