5th October'09@2040
Weekend was 'joyful' after we learnt today will be lectures on infectious paediatrics.To double the happiness(not really),tomorrow will also be lectures...which means we will be having materials before hand for practical classes.That brought smile to many till group 531D are having their 'pot luck' dinner at nana's room tonight..it's like having a day off between the cycles:p
5th year..time table certainly less packed than previous years but lots of readings has to be done.Why am I saying that?-in a week,I only have 1 lecture day of Internal Medicine/haematology on tuesdays with an exception of russian classes on mondays.So,only 2 days of 'extra classes' in a week.*wink*
Well that brings back memories of 1st and 2nd years when once we used to have lectures PRACTICALLY every day right after practical classes(duh,it was really taxing!)
physics: attendance is all that matters,half of the students will be dozing off,and the rest will be coping down the lecture without what it actually means!! Okay sorry to say but physics has never been my favourite ever since school days...moreover the prof. only talks to the tables,chairs and thw white board..
biology:with the vice dean,mdm.elena,it's the same snenario at the anatomy lecture hall..a few will be zzzzz and the rest will be so into coping her lectures..
anatomy: was the best lecture ever with mdm.stenlikova..she makes the lecture and the subject more interesting."kill you handphones"- is her well known phrase.
histology:Who wants to mess with Dr.Radaev?Just the sight of him will send chills down your spine.No,he;s not mean but if you are one second late for his lecture..there you go,-outta the room.Controls/tests with him is what you will never forget..the moment he looks out the window,you know "shit,i have to repeat this test" before you could hear his "To my sorrow,you may repeat!"
Chemistry: The 2nd least lecture that was attended by the students.The prof. is very good but the only problem was his command of english,other than that he was okay.
Medical Philosophy: by Dr.Izutkin--he is a perfectionist,I would say.He will try to manipulate in each and every debate that you have with him.
Physiology:Dr.Mukhina is the person responsible and I actually enjoyed all her lectures and lucky for me to get her as my examiner in exam:)
Biochem:Sir Pavel is like a grandfather whom I've never had.We loved him very much.In comparison to the dean,Mdm. Erlikina,for me Sir.Pavel is way better.
Nursing(uhod za balnimi): only went for the 1st lecture after that none of us attended the next 2 or 3 lectures because we already had the lecture material and the surgeon coughs out exactly what's in the lecture material.And because of our collective decisions,Group B was fired on our behalve since the attendance was too poor!!!
3rd and 4th year:
-perhaps only 3 days/ week we had lectures.
pharmacology: Mdm Dugina is the whiz of pharmaco and drugs.Though the number of lectures should be mor ethan 10,i can merely count about 3 or 4 lectures were conducted in alternate weeks due to her unsatisfactory health condition.I still remember her 'snow ball' game in class and her best quote"Discipline is the mother of success" and she is the only one who will address her students--"Dr.Navanita,please come out and explain this".Thanks,ma'am.
patho physiology: for both semesters we had Sir.Constantine(cekap right his name,just like he himself).He's another grandpa whom you will wish to have for,lol..he loves explaining and never get tired of it.Secretly,all of us agreed he must have been a REAL HUNK during his young days.
patho anat: only the very 1st lecture was conducted by the most feared,Mdm.Artifeksova..and most of it by Sir.Kuznetsov@Chip Munk wherelse infectious diseases by "Gaspadi"..opps,sorry I can never get her name into my mind!
Hygiene:the subject which all of us will go.."oh no"..simply because we never find it;s the most important thing in medic life : what;'s the ideal distance between 2 beds?,what's the hygienic requirement for air humidity ina room?"..arggghhh..but just like sevvanthee would say "there can never be anyone as nerdy/as crazy as us..even for hygiene WE made our own answer schemes!!!" ..*a slap on my forehead..haha*
Medical law: this is another lecture which you cannot forget no matter how boring it is because we have state exam for this material in our 6th year..oh,Lord..
and now 5th year:
Internal Medicine is the king of all lectures ever since 3rd year.The group of lecturers for 3rd year were Dr.Pavlovna and Dr.Tatyana.Dr.Andrevna delivered 1 or 2 lectures and I was her victim on her very first lecture of "ECG" interpretation..well that time I knew nothing about ECG and I know I showed the wrong wave and better still,I couldn;t recognise what was the wave she was pointing at!After that incident,I will chose not to sit right in front of her but things certainly have changed now!
4th year still the very faithful Dr.Tatyana,Dr.Panova(cardiologist) and Dr.Andrevna were the panel of lecturers.
5th year: The first 2 weeks of 10th sem was Dr.Panavo.I enjoy writing her lecture,looking at her slides and listening to her.Then came Haematology lecture with Dr..ermm,sorry,can;t remember though I;ve been attending her lectures for the past 3 weeks.Haematologist with a more oriented lecture,more like M'sian style..we are supposed to print out lecture materials from her web and just 'add on' infos during lectures.
And know what?I find myself pretty discouraged,I don;t know why..maybe it is true that you only can concentrate for the first 40 minutes in each class!! ahh..I will try to keep my eyes wide open and get into her lectures..can;t escape because I sit at my permanent lecture seat..2nd row which is a very strategic place for any lectures to lay their eyes on me.
No offence,but I prefer Dr.Tatyana,Dr.Panavo,Dr.Pavlovna or even Dr.Andrevna;s lectures' methods..where you have to write each and every single word of theirs without non-stop.I think that keeps my attention more focused and I don't drift away by the call of 'vibes'.
Anyways,without lectures I think I will be just rotting in my room either by sleeping or watching movies,maybe?Okay..so what''s for haemato lecture tomorrow?:)
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