25th October'09 @ 1245
I woke up at 1pm today after a long day yeasterday for having had to make pots and pots of dhal with my other crew members: sevvanthee,maalini,and juniors:adrian,gopi and rashveer, for our annual diwali open house which was held in 1st hostel hall at 7pm...I really would've preferred a very quiet weekend especially a serene saturday rather than waking up early and start cooking for 500 Malaysian students.Nevertheless,I'm not alone in this early morning ordeal,other 49 Malaysian Indian students and Raj from India too participated and the outcome was: butter rice,mix vegetable,dhal,kesari(indian sweet),chicken(i don't know what type of chicken ,gotta ask the boys who were in charge),lemonade made by the juniors and finally sliced watermelon which were served at 9pm.Everyone enjoyed the open house just like the previous years,till numerous of them tapau-ed the food..I was happy for the day though by 10pm,i was frop dead tired!!!
Sevvanthee became the master of ceremony and her partner was a junior,Kervindran.Though only 3 performances was held,I enjoyed the bhangra dance which was done by my coursemates and seniors..the moment they joined the girls who were rocking the stage,everyone was thrown into the bhangra beat and started clapping and shouting hysterically..(ha-ha)..only on these days you will see the dark sides of the Medic students,including us here..because even I shouted their names :"aiyalu" when sevvathee came up the stage and "kiran" when he started dancing the bhangra..I had a good time yesterday!!
After the long queing by the students to get the food,finally I,sevvanthee,maalini and Kiran took our foods and sat down to have our dinner.Then the others,ran up the stage and started dancing wherelse I finishhed my food and left the hall to my room.
So ended my 2nd last diwali in Nizhny Novgorod..
by the way on this note: every other girls even the chinese wore sarees except for I,sevvanthee and a junior(oppsss..okay,look out for our appearance next year in saree!)
Since the day light saving starts today,I actually woke up at 12 pm to be exact,which means I'm 5 hours behind Malaysian time.Okay got to resume back to my work: russian raskaz,cardiomyopathy for tomorrow's internal medicine and russian homework..okay then,let me sign off for now:)
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