11th October'09 @ 0145
A fatless saturday is over for the week!I'll be stepping into the week of diwali which means 1 month in Russia has passed and the days are drawing nearer for a new brand new year.Missing diwali with mum dad ragu,my big family and friends?Obviously I am,who wouldn't right?:(according to sequence) the dawn's early oil bath,prayers at home,head off to temple,breakfast with idli/puri/apam(thosay) with chutney,chicken/mutton curry..*mouth watering*,then entertaining guests/neighbours/phone calls, visit my buddies..lunch at their homes,night: the same cycle repeats..how much I missed those moments on diwali..though here ,we do have our own open house for groupmates/floormates/friends,nothing is comparable to the days of diwali at home for the past 19 years...and with diwali coming up ,wished I could just board the plane and be in mum and dad's arms:) another 1 more year nita,2011,will be your best diwali ever..it's not a very long time after having gone through the past 3 years..so smile:)
Today I attended a workshop given by my senior,a 6th year on Gastro-Intestinal System.Well,didn;t prepare much in room,went and was given handouts which was taken from a book used in UKM,Malaysia.Just want to say thanks to Faiz Najmi for sharing his informations with us.You were the first to actually thought of such workshop,none others have ever done anything like this before.Just don;t forget to inform us again for your next workshop session:)
I have paediatrics zachut this coming friday.Been busy completing my extra notes for the previous topics..almost done with 2nd semester.I learned that keeping a consistent momentum is all that needed to be a good student-cum-doctor...and I'm certainly on for the 5 the year's 9th sem's challenge.All I need is to OCCUPY myself and restrict myself when it comes to certain evil distractions.Besides that,there's nothing wrong with you,Nita.Have your full confidence, never go back to the path which led you to a very emotional girl.Don't forget that.
Do your best,all right?
Good night.
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