12th November @ 0735
Arigato Gozaimas(good morning in Japanese:)),bloggie.This is my very first blog post early in the morning just before I leave to the trauma hospital:)
To nascent with,I'm a bit overzealous here because tomorrow I'll be having a day off..actually only the girls will be having break after a short and 'ad hoc' notice was out yesterday from the deans.The boys(all of them!) have to get vaccinated against rubella infections due to the increasing number of male students being affected by the rubrovirus.It all started 2 months ago when one of our coursemates were diagnosed with rubella infections.But lately,it just seems the boys are having rashes on their bodies,fever.Therefore,boys get ready to be vaccinated tomorrow and stop infecting the others,okay?lol..and yeah,thanks to all of you for the 'unofficial' off day:)
Orthopedics and Trauma- today will be my 3rd day of tutorial.1st day,since there wasn't any classrooms left to inhabit us,we only had a very short ice-breaking session with the traumatologist and by 10.30am we were free.So officially,2nd day we started our lesson with watching a recorded service done by the Red Cross Association in Sudan, mainly contibuted by the Australian,Sweden,Kenyan Medical Professionals.
* to be continued*
12th November'09@2335
here's the next part of my post which I was supposed to post it earlier in the morning!Back to square one maybe?maybe not,let's get back to the movie that I had watched on war surgery.As i was watching the medical clip,I was thanking God for how lucky I am/how fortunate my life is.Looking at the victims,waiting for hours under the imminent sunlight for the arrival of the helicopter to fly them to any nearby hospitals.I remembered how we the lucky ones will turn so impatient and grumpy in clinics/hospitals when we are attended 5 minutes late.But these victims were just greatful for the medical aid being provided to them that they actually co-operate with the surgeons and physicians.Perhaps they had undergone too many traumatic incidents in their lifes that even a little kid didn't utter/let go of a shrill cry when treated.In short,the victims of the 3rd world country make the most out of whatever they could get.After all,the war has to go on in order for them to exist right?
After the movie,we had a brief discussion on triage and medical management regarding war surgery and later we were dismissed with hometasks on bleeding and antishock treatment.
today(12th november):started again our class with a recorded movie on amputations,graftings,fasciotomy,..and we got the idea that each class of ours will be officiated by a movie before discussions on hometasks.It wasn't exactly a movie which you will anticipate at 9.30am.Who would,please raise your hands:
description of the movie:
location: Operation room(OR)
objectives: amputations
skin grafting/plasty
additional comments: eerie feeling (just like when you watch the movie SAW)
totally gross(looking at the wounds after explosions)
man= lifeless object(in skin grafting: it just looks like using a peeler/a grater for carrots,using of mini chain like saw in breaking the bones,screws,spanars to tighten the screws...)
I'm not a phobic when it comes to seeing blood/a pool of blood.I can always get away with it as long as the patient is unconcious.Whilst watching the movie,many couldn't watch the surgeries performed in silence:one can actually feel the sensation of being grafted on their own thigh for a skin plasty,the oozing blood (fluid like hematoma) can regurgitate your food upward ,later outward.So the best way to watch surgeries is to be in empty stomach,treat the patient as an innate object,be emotionless with the only motive:PRIMUM NON NOCERE (first,do no harm)@ SAVE LIFES FIRST!
Surgery is something I've always fascinated.I'll just get drawn to them what more if it conceerns about the cardio.I have a dream to watch a open heart surgery (live!) in Russia before I graduate,hopefully my dream will come true very soon;) oh did I tell you that in my 3rd year,my right hand was just above THE HEART of a patient when I lifted his left lung while aiding a surgeon.I can still,even at this very minute,feel how his heart was beating to sustain its function.That was the most exciting and the best(est) experience which I had throughout my surgery rotations.
On the other hand,now all the girls are also advised to go for rubella vaccination for prophylaxis.
Since I'm done with rewriting my Internal Lecture,and now I'm free to date with my DELL for a movie before I get myself under the blanket.This is the best weekend too,why?'Cos it's a 3 days weekend..HAPPY VACCINATION DAY people!:)
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