19th November'09@2315
BSB's latest tracks have been playing on my playlist for the past an hour.I'm in a great mood.Smiling all the way reading messages sent to me in facebook.Pre new rotations' break time.Tomorrow,my 7th rotation will commence: Epidemiology.No difference there,I still have to get up at 5.30am and leave my hostel at 8am to catch the buses.The only one thing i'm looking forward upon hearing is,getting a good and dedicated tutor for our practical classes.I hope I won't be getting group B's mentor.*I'm crossing my fingers here*.So new rotation,let's hope for a bright day tomorrow..kicking off the cycle with lecture tomorrow!:)
Traumatology,on a brighter side,I'm very positive that Dr.Malishev is very good when it comes to briefing and explaining regarding ortho and trauma.This rotation was considered the most relaxing cycle-->watching med clips on surgeries in class,theoretical classes for about an hour and at 12 well latest maybe 12.30pm,you're free from the hospital.But,I'm happy for what I had done during my trauma cycle despite the many comments saying "another chill" cycle.Dr.Malishev wished us luck and even said"see you all next year for orthopedics".*Definitely,Dr.*
It re-snowed again yesterday and even today.Though all you can see is white carpet welcoming you in the morning,the weather isn't cold.It'll be fine as long as there;s no snow storm/sunlight/wind.Just like today,it's 0*C today..I'm so in love with the weather.I won;t mind/ditch if the weather stays like this forever..bring it on!Right after we got our zachut/signature at the end of our trauma rotation,my groupmates and I (without sara) went to one of the best spots in Nizhny Novogorod to snap few shots.We have always looked out the window on 3rd floor and admiringly said" the scenery is simply breathtaking,isn't it?".hence,today we made our footsteps to the spot!:)
When July 2010 comes next year,I want to make sure that I'm done with all my exams,my luggages are packed and the next day,I want to fly back to Malaysia.I don't want to extend my another 2 weeks here for practicals because this year 5th years are obligated to do our ambulance and polyclinic here.Few of us have started and already finish their practicals on ambulance which totals 72 hours.While on the bus to see Dr.Lydia at Minina,and again,Wani and I were stalked by a Russian man in his 50s.*sigh*.We just gave him our smile and he started talking to us non-stop till we reached Minina.I wasn't interested in talking to him as I smelled alcohol odour in his breath,yet he was a stabil man.He persisted us to be his guests and told us he has 2 sons..etc..*oldman,I'm not interestedla..* I so wanted to tell him but just couldn;t be bothered.He started off the conversation saying" look at these 2 pretty girls" and he never stopped after that.He was very keen on taking us to his house in Minina but Syahrul managed to sent us off and joined us later after he followed the old man to his house!The old man reminded Syahrul to take us to his house next time since syahrul knows his house now!
I know Asians are the 'celebrities' in European countries,well here yes..everyday the Russians will be looking at you as if you're from a different planet.Oh c'mon Russians,get used to being around foreigners,will you?The old man even said,we are very small sized and started comparing his fist with us!Since wani's fist is XS in size,she got bullied the most!It was a pretty much a scene once he started talking to us on the bus that the other passengers were turning their heads and looking at us!As if the 'limelight' we were thrown into wasn't enough,suddenly he exlaimed while looking at me "oh,look at her beautiful eyes..what colour are they?Black or dark brown?"..his doubt was confirmed by another medical russian student who actually helped us all the while we were being bullied by the old man!Mucho Gracias lady!
I was just very happy to get away from him and never looked back once Syahrul became our(Wani and mine) scapegoat! (ha-ha)
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