"Life should be like a game of cards,
You make a mistake,
Then fold the deck and start over
It should be just like drivin in your car
Get lost and your navigation system
Gets you closer
But there ain't no handbook
You're on your own
Got no instructions
when it comes to love
Cuz once you done something
You can't undone...."
the lyrics which had captured my heart and mind for the past few hours,been replaying "IF I KNEW THEN" by THE BSB...I think I love the new album very much,already fell head over heels with all the songs.Their main genre from pop music has been imporvised now with R&B and a slight tinge of rock,and I think I love it..guess,from my previous favourites,:Straight through my heart,If I knew then,Masquerade,I'm adding This is Us,Undone and actually the rest of the compilations on the new album on my favourite list:)I'll fall in love over and over again with any BSB albums,so this is the typical me..addicted to the hiatus of infinity when it comes to their music and songs;)
My prayers was answered today..and like I had said before,Group 531E is the schematic group ever...we got Professor for epidemiology cycle when previous groups predicted we will be getting a less 'wanted' mentor.But I told them off "Group 531E,you'll never know,we might get the prof!" and it happened.Man,that woman is just so energetic and full of spirit when delievering lectures.With a certain degree of merciness in her,she did let us have break in between,2 times.We started at 9 am till 2pm..lecture,lecture and lecture..,she;s really good.All the facts were like glued in her brain forever and seems like she has no difficulty in coughing them out....wonder how I'll get all the statistical values inside my head.And this weekend,I'll be buried under my epidemio books.How can i not right?When prof said "being an epidemiologist,our main task is to control" which means each day my classes will be started off with giving small tests on us.Epidemio,let's enjoy it under prof's guidance:)
I've been thinking about this for sometime.Why do people love to be loud all the time?Why can;t their damn brain digest the idea that being loud all the time doesn't prove you right..it only irks people more,yeah more and more towards you.There's another flaw in that damn brain that thinks highly of him/herself "I'm the best and ONLY my opinion matters in a crowd!"I;m so disgusted with that...and there;s another variety of human which I had seen,the one who like to boss around but when loneliness creeps in,the person becomes 'I just follow what you say!'. how do you define these kind of creatures?You can;t manipulate me ever,mind you! You;re no different from the ones who irked you even at the sight of looking at them,last time.Hell with it...these kind of living beings shouldn't be entertained - a wiser thought of a 24 years old.
Ragu will be off to Ipoh tomorrow afternoon for a month of break.Finally,he;s on his sem break after his exams.He caught me today and I;ve been chatting with him for the past 1 hour.He and his juicy stories in USM.I'm laughing my head off here...okay bro,I can see the maturity in you.You're more open to me now,well that makes us even more closer now.I'm suprised at myself cos I'm able to open up to you too!I love the new you,the new you who's always there to listen to whatever I have to say*hugs*.You're the best bro in the whole world!I'm sure we have loads to share once I'm back next year for holidays.You'll be fine and do simply awesome in all the things you venture in.Happy holidays to you,enjoy your stay alone at home with mum and dad! I love you,thammudu(younger bro in telugu).*wink*
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