6th November'09@2343
1st Transition Period.
-related to my psychiatry rotation.My last tutorial class was today with Dr.Irina Ivanovna Kitaeva.We love her..yes though she makes us sit in that freaking cold classroom for hours during our discussions.I enjoyed my classes with her especially the boys..on a special note,Abdalla,yes the one who loves to ask questions in return before the psychiatrist could ask him!He just asks lots and lots of questions,at times it's acceptable but most of the times you'll go.."abdalla...." because of his too inquisitive act will prolong the time and soon you'll be seeing us gritting our teeths and clutching our fists to box him!However,his questions do make sense,particularly the ones we tend to forget to enquire further explanation.On 1st day of tutorial,we learned on the introductory topic on psychiatry and guess what he asked towards the end?"Dr,how would you diagnose a patient from post traumatic accidents?" Dr: 1st looked at him.Secondly answered"We call that situation chronic/acute post traumatic stress disorder..and we will be discussing about it the next few days!"
-basically,she's an associate professor with a wide knowledge on her field.I'm drawn to the way she will give an example on our daily discussion on certain topics.And each and every example related to her life and her profession,mainly her patients.This semester,we are more exposed on how to interview the psychotic patients,watch interviews and finally like today,we watched "Beautiful Mind" in class as the movie is enclosed with concepts of visual hallucinations,delusions,social phobia,etc.I regeretted for not watching the movie completely previously on my own for I remember I got bored after 30minutes I played the movie.Interesting movie indeed,maybe I shouldn't make an early remark while watching any movies in first 30 minutes!
-Before the start of my psychiatry rotation,I said I wanted to learn and get into certain persons' heads just to know how and what they are thinking right?I think i did get near to my objective,at least now I can differentiate schizoid,schizotypal,paranoid,histrionic(just to name a few) personality disorders.It's interesting to know how you can manipulate someone(patient) to get their life story out of them in diagnosing their illness.Alas,I don;t know how I will be reacting next semester when I were to approach the patients on my own...now bear in mind please,psychotics are entirely different from the ones one see in medical departments!*perhaps,it won't be that bad,Nita..still errr....* But what's vital here in curing these patients ,I think is to provide a good support,love and psychotherapy aid with a great compliance from patients.
2nd Transition Period.
-this is totally revolves around my besties.2 days ago,Subha posted her shout out in fb" Love is in the air"..and yes she received many comments including from me.Though she denied saying it's meant for everyone out there but I as usual,rekindled her and refuse to believe(ha-ha).Later on,in my nap,I dreamt of Lava getting hitched/engaged..now this is the best one,don't you agree with me?I got so excited that before I went to bed today at 3 am,I just had the gut to post it on my fb as my shout out and Miss Lavania became the overnight fame with the total of 71 comments on my post from my besties!!! Everyone seems just too excited,just like me,waiting for her big day to arrive!yeay...
-From the little school girls,we had grown up to young ladies now,we can see the many changes which has come our way.Well,I can see what I had gone through over the years.I know what I want in my life though.When my besties(3 of them now are officially already TAKEN) are planning and enjoying their new moments in life,few of us including me here,still remaining so composed..and why is that so?" Got calon ready ke?"--the usual question being asked and the one and only safe and most appropriate answer of mine for now will be -- Just a smile,which will leave the many questions in peoples minds.Well,hold on to current episode,the right time will come ;)And yeah,I remember once me,shalu and aud said we will go hunting from north to south in order to find Mr.Right for ourselves.Now,isn't that funny?Whichever way life may take us,the only wish/hope I have for my girls "whichever path life may lead us in future,the chain of friendship should never be broken,even in the presence of a new person in our lifes..our friendship is meant to be forever and we are born to be friends till the end" .
p/s:by the way according to my psychiatric mentor,"LOVE IS A PROCESS"-- quote of the day,maybe?
Love you girls and subha,anne and lava---> good luck and all the best girls,make sure to be the best and definitely a sincere and a trustworthy one to your another half.
Miss you all loads.
*a big bear hug to all of you dearies!*
how come me not in da pic???aso audieee...:(
ReplyDeletealamak shalu,i just uploaded the pic ..aud already left by that time and u were the one who took the pic dear..i love this pic:)O shall compensate it later okay?love ya:)
ReplyDeletehahahaa...i was just joking dearie...no worries....;)
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