This is my 2nd entry today(if I consider today is still saturday!) after the previous one at 4pm saturday wasn't saved and couldn't be published.I wanted to make an entry because 1st august is not remembered by many unlike 14th february.
1st August-- HAPPY FRIENDSHIP'S DAY to everyone.Thanks buddies for making me complete.:)
" A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away."- Arabian Proverb
Yesterday morning right after consuming a piece of curry puff,I went to claim my new passport.I was supposed to meet up with vick at 10am but ended up meeting my buddy at 11am.Thanks for the patience.I accompanied vicks to do shopping.This buddy of mine will start working next monday before she continues with her masters by the end of the year.So the second up coming miss masters is on her way right after miss lavania.2 out of 6 (the usual number) met up today.I joined vicks for breakfast after getting myself a milo ice.
I agreed on with mum dad saying that I don't look like I'm 24.Okay,so what with that?I'm not tall,small sized with high metabolism.So,just like any other days,people would've thought 2 teenage girls spending time/loitering around! Now,it's a pretty funny scene right?Maybe next time I should just paste a sign on my blouse/t-shirt stating "hey..I'm 23+++,don't dare to disturb me!"
Vicks and I were chit-chatting when we noticed a group of girls and guys.They look barely 18 years old,maybe younger than that.They didn't escape from our sight because these group of Indian girls chose to sit opposite us at the food court.We cared less about them but their eyes didn't leave us.As for me,I noticed their appearances suited well with what's being portrayed in movies nowadays.I'm not condemning my own race,I'm certainly not proud of that.But,their attitude,appearances,their mentality,emotional states don't go parallel with their age.Boys with their notorious behavior(pardon me for saying that word).Notorious in context of 'mengusik' girls who are passing by(telling from my experience).These kinds of lackadaisical/inappropriate attitudes are the ones which will lead to social problems.
Vicks and I exchanged smiles.After a few seconds of pause,spontaneously,Vicks said "I was still holding my mum's hands when I was their age"..*because we are pretty sure the girls are about 15 or 16 years old*..and I added " My first outing with you guys was for 'manmadhan' right after STPM examination!"..Kids nowadays,they are just growing up too fast,yes TOO FAST...it's like they are spinning and chasing after the time.You know how it feels when a 10 year old speaks as if she/he knows everything in the world?Each year when I come back home,I see my cousins become more of an 'adult'.I still cannot digest the fact that a sister of mine is actually 16 years old this year when I still remember talking to her about her primary school days!
Vicks and I agreed on saying "1985 babies,we are the best!"..I'm proud of who I am because I know grow up WITH TIME.There's no lagging behind or being too fast,ahead of time like kids nowadays.
I know everything seems to be moving very fast.The words 'advance/fast and furious' best explain about how things are now.
I certainly have no regrets for:
1.I've never been clubbing.
2.I've never went dating with a guy.
3.I've never skipped classes to loiter in the malls.
4.I've never behaved immorally.
5.I've never misued the freedom that has been given to me.
Other people might say that I 'wasted' my teenage days but heck,this is how I was brought up with values instilled in me.
Teenagers nowadays probably have different opinions,what's life without enjoyment?And I'll say "dear future teenagers,enjoy every moment of your life with a poised personality">
I'm happy with who I am.