9th August'09@0237
Today turned out to be GREAT!Morning,I actually wished i never got up because the moment I opened my eyes,the thoughts which I really wanted to push away,came rushing back into my mind,just like how highly pressured water kept in a dam will come gushing away once the gate is unlocked!Okay,why rant on it when I don't want to lose it either?Let's get back to my fun story ya'll.
After such a long time,maternal family members had decided to gather here in Ipoh,in conjunction with grandpa's birthday celebration.Rao,pethanana(elderest dad),pethamma(eldest mum) reached here early in the morning when I was still on the bed.I was really happy to see them after so long.Since mum was at work,I accompanied pethamma,spending time with her.Later,Rao was keenly telling me about his work,on his experiences meeting Tun Dr.Mahathir and the rest of the VIPs on their visits to Hyatt Hotel.He's indeed their all time favourite.Rao was taken away by my EURO pictures and stories(I saw on his expressions!).
When Ram called around 6.30pm upon his arrival with grandpa,Rao and I went to Medan Gopeng to receive them.All was good.We nominated Ram as the president of MYC with his new duty to gather the cousins next year for a fun outing since he slacked to do so this year!I was expecting to see everyone today but majority will be here in 8 hours time.As we were at home,Rao suggested "comela we go for movie..me,you(me) and Ram".We quickly flipped through the newspaper and was torn between The Proposal or G.I Joe.I was "any movies,I'll go with it" though I was hoping to catch a horror movie.Time was set..yeap midnight movie at 11.45 pm in Kinta City.
After buying grandpa his favourite meehoon soup for dinner,Ram and I rushed back home and got ready for the movie.As we were about to go,Dad and pethanana pulled aside the car and was actually considering to join us for the movie.Mum and Pethamma chose to spend their missed sisterhood time together at home.Probably the late night movie would've hindered dad that he said "it's okay,you guys go ahead".
I drove to jusco.I've never been for a midnight movie without mum dad and Ragu.Since it's after 10pm,I was actually sort of lost my way inside jusco because all the outlets were closed and we couldn't get to TGV unlike when it's day time.We had to take a flight of stairs,escalators and finally got 3 2nd front row tickets.Ram felt like eating even after a chee cheong fun dinner which made him buy a large pop corn and 3 bottles of mineral water.
That was my first time on 6 weeks of my return to catch a movie in TGV this year.I loved the movie by Sandra bullock and Ryan Reynolds.Needless to say that,Ms.Bullock is extremely a talented actress and she had carried her role well in this movie.I loved it..normally I won't go for second round in watching a movie,but The Proposal ,is definitely worth it and can be watched more than once..it's damn hilarious till the viewers(including me) and not to forget Rao and Ram were laughing like mad..:)* and yeah Ram,you have to do that hula-hula dance with mathu tomorrow;p)
I reached home 50 minutes ago.I decided to blog about today while waiting for my late night supper :brown bread to descend slowly into my Gastrointestinal tract(GIT).You know what is more surprising today?I didn't receive any CALLS from mum and dad which is part of their 'checking outs'.Even Ram was like "now,that's weird,not even a call:p)..
Fun-filled day..let's welcome the rest of the 2nd and 3rd and upcoming 4th generations tomorrow.Ragu,you missed being here with us today for the movie,br0.
Okie-dokie,I want to hit bed now,nights.
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