25th August'09 @ 1532
I managed to go out today! Yeah,finally..an outing with Vicks.After the movie outing wasn't granted by mum and dad,I came up with a brilliant idea yesterday night around 8 pm.A Superb idea striked my mind "I still haven't had my chocolate milk shake " for I have tasted all my favourites except this one.I seeked green light from mum and dad,and they allowed saying "as long as you don't go into the mall".Immediately ,I rang up Vicks and she agreed on meeting as I know this teacher hasn't gone out in awhile after joining the working force.
Secret Recipe is my all time favourite place to hang out let it be for breakfast,lunch or dinner.I can never stay away from it's mouth-watering and heavenly made cakes.It's a boon for cakes.
After fetching vicks,I parked my car and we walked towards Secret Recipe.Love the atmosphere in it..just like any other days and since it's early in the morning(not even 11am),we were their first 2 customers.Vicks ordered shepherd pie and a glass of sky juice wherelse my menu was cornish pie original with (as you would've guessed) a big glass of chocolate milk shake...yummyyyyyy.
As usual,I had my early satiety.After I finished my meal,I could barely stuff a spoonful of cheesy+chocolate brownie,ordered by Vicks for a dessert.We ended up tapau-ing the brownie and another cornish spicy for mum and dad.
We talked,talked and talked..hey,that's what girls do right?slow eaters + with lots of talkings on outings..lol.Outings are so incomplete without cuci-mataing.A Malay waiter guy who took our orders have a pair of attractive eyes..but both of us couldn't see his face since he was wearing a mask.I didn't say anything but Vicks noticed it too that she so wanted to ask the guy to take off his mask so we can see his face..I was like "no,don't do anything crazy"..:p..obviously we left without seeing his moon-like face(no,no craters okay,we're pretty sure on this!)..perhaps Vicks would've carried out her missions if it wasn't for me being 'too good' of a kind.Nevermindla vicks,next time okay:)
Vicks had another plan after we reached my car.She wanted to hang out in the mall.So,I couldn't say no since it will be my last lepak-ing with her for this year.I called up dad and told him that I'm already wearing a mask (when I'm not) and wanted to enter Ipoh Parade.Dad's response "why want to go in there unnecessarily?" "daddy,I'll be careful,will be back before 1pm(it's already 12.20pm at that moment!)" Dad: "okay,come back soon".
I drove to watson's but they ran out of masks.Got stuck in the traffic(Ipoh is getting worse!) and finally after 20 minutes,I pulled my car aside and Vicks helped me to get 2 masks from a medical shop.
Ipoh Parade has become our spot to lepak after Kinta City had been forbidden by my parents when news on its worker infected with HINI came to light.
I re-parked my car at the same spot(for MBI workers).After placing my parking coupons,we stepped out of the car with masks.Crossed the road and entered the mall.
Well,Malaysians will always be Malaysians.*sigh*Prevention is definitely better than cure.But what do you do when ingorance is the most practiced habit?Apparently,wearing mask has become a joke and yeah we were sort of teased by the Indian youngsters.Like we care?..I wanted to tell them "hey,get a lifela you guys" ...but malaslah want to layan them...I know wearing a mask can't do much since we're breathing the same air but ATLEAST something you know to prevent the sneezed/coughed air traverse easily into your respiratory tract!Instead of realising it's derangement,people actually look at you as if you are an alien or maybe a retard? for carrying a mask around!
After 40 minutes,we hugged and waved each other good bye.Vicks,thanks for the 3 hours of outing..had a great time with ya.Heyya you and subha,please bring mask for movie this friday okay?I already reminded subha.I want to join you two for the movie,but I doubt it.I will try to persuade dad and mum,okay?Will let you know.Love ya girls.
Thanks for the chocolat-ey outing Vicks:)
And,I reached home at 2 pm instead of before 1pm like I had told dad...
hey i had a great time 2 da.....i would hv definately asked d malay dude 2 take off his mask if you didn't say 'hey,dun la vicks'...he looked cute la...n the way he looks...i mean his eyes...very captivating..k k enough bout him...thanks 4 d outing,loved d pie n d window shopping.....hope v can go out nx year k...tc doc
ReplyDeleteso vicks shall we hit secret recipe again nx year?and yeah then u can ask tht guy with the mask(provided if he'll still be working there:p)..yeap,i released my tension too..it was fun,thanks buddy:)