5th August'09 @ 1343
Hey bloggie,so it has been 2 days since I blogged!There's nothing 'new or hip' happening here with me.Do I sound sad?..no worries,I'm not except that when there's no interesting and juicy happenings,I have to squeeze my head to post something on blogspot.What's driving me to blog and blog?It's unexplainable..words and I..
Sometimes in life,among the many people you meet,only a very few/the extraordinary ones will inspire you in achieving what you desire.What's so unique about them?Are they just too good for their professions that the ones looking at them will 'gasp/mouth 'wow' '?Perhaps these individuals are just borne to be in that path of life.
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. - Dr. Napoleon Hill
Doctors who are passionate when it comes to dichotomy of health care will INSPIRE you to be just like them.Wards rounds with them indirectly will incorporate their values in you..well it did happen to me this time in Batu Gajah Hospital.Now,I have additional of 3 doctors to look up to and to name them as my role models.Life is all about learning,you can NEVER call an end when it comes to gaining more knowledge.I'm always amazed at the fact how these senior doctors/HODS STILL can remember even the small tiny facts which they had learned 3 decades ago?What's the secret?I've always wanted to unlock their mysterious brain.Curiosity kills the cat.To avert that,I got the answer which is: read,read,read,..always look up and flip the book when you're in doubt!.Cool fact,eh?Such an easy task,isn't it?Now,that's something to be put into practice more often.
Put aside real life doctors,doctors on tv also can ENCOURAGE,mould and shape you to be a better doctor.My very first addiction over the years was/still is ER.Though the serial is no longer being aired,it's undeniable to say ER is still the most anticipated show till now.I was obsessed with Dr.Carter till I'll go 'too cutela..serene,I'm not going to miss that show!!'(do you still remember serene?).Those were the days when I used to 'cuci mata' while watching ER which is incomparable to Gray's which prioritizes more on scandals and personal life.Dr.Bailey,Dr.Yeng and Dr.Burke caught my attention,yeah the ones who are more like REAL LIFE DOCTORS than the rest of the team.House,MD..what can i say?It actually can take over ER fans to its side.Love it when Hugh Laurie as the most sarcastic,the genius yet arrogant doctor who uses the stick on the wrong side to aid his limping leg.A 'tv doctor' with his own mind,in short,who doesn't give a damn about what others think of him!
All in all,attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference.
And as for a doctor,what does it take to be THE GREATEST AND THE MOST OUTSTANDING PHYSICIANS IN REAL LIFE???
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