6th August'09 @ 1038
A die hard fan never loses her likings despite catching up with her age.Started off her 'craziness' over their evergreen and super hit songs at the age of 13 and till now 23 years and 9 months,still cho0ses and opts for their music and songs..what's the magic that twirls their beautiful pop,R&B songs in her mind?Why the 'addiction' never fades with time?You know why?Simply because it's from THE BACKSTREET BOYS..no ordinary songs,mind you,their songs are the ones can NEVER leave your heart..NEVER!Look at me,23 years old,calling myself a medical student,yet I'm behaving like a teen who's madly in love with a boy band when the reign of boy bands are considered already had waned with time,but certainly NOT FOR ME.I will still turn to their songs when I needed to calm myself after a storm.You name me,who can make better songs than the BSB?I grew up listening to their songs just like how they have grown up from cute adorable boys to mature gentlemen(indisputable,YOU ALL ARE STILL THE HEART-THROBS TO THE FANS!).Though I didn't 'papparazi-ed' them from the age 11 when they made their first entrance to the world of music,I fell for their music and still am after listening to their 'AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME' in mix.fm in 1998.
The BSB WILL NEVER disappoint their ever faithful fans.Other boy bands had made their way too,or shall i say..they followed The BSB's footsteps but they didn't last long..what happened to the major BSB-wannabe..N*Sync?..just gone with the wind.Despite the many rumors and bumpy roads in life,BSB remained together and till now standing still.When other boy bands had splitted,BSB still going strong.One of the BSB have stated in a magazine that "Only death can do us apart,till then we will continue making music for our fans".
I do hear now:"BSB still around?"..My answer will be "YES,THEY ARE..WILL BE BACK WITH THEIR NEW ALBUM SOON".My point is proven true.They have once gain regain their title as the next BEATLES and the crop of the boy bands: their next studio album entitled "THIS IS US" with their first single called "STRAIGHT THROUGH MY HEART " will be released end of this month(if I'm not mistaken!)..So,now you know why I made this entry today..I'm VERY EXCITED,really looking forward for their album to be in the stores VERY SOON!
listen to the brand new song,I love it:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSQeDl3vxjY
A very Special note for Kevin: The band is not the same without you,missing your voice,come back,come back and continue making lovely music.You're still a Backstreet Boy to us.Good Luck.<3
KTBPA!!! I can 101% assure you that,even at 80 years old,I will still say proudly "BSB is definitely one of a kind" and perhaps I will narrate how much they've influenced me and don't be surprised if I spin you their hits when you visit me!
-A BSB fan for life-
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