19th August'09@1924
The big boy of the house has arrived home 1/2 hour ago!Physically he has changed,reminding me of Surya's physique in his best ever acted movie last year-which highlighted his various phases of life.Ragu will be smiling secretly if I say that to him now.The reason why I'm stating that way is,whenever he's back at home,he will be bloating with his little tummy.I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him 2 months ago at the airport when he came to receive me.But today,I was taken by surprise,he had slimmed down..looking very thin..this is what you call post-working out/gym effect.He happily told me" I'm wearing this Amsterdam t-shirt for the first time and it's LOOSE for me when the other day I could hardly fit into it"..I asked him ,"so how long have you been fasting?Where are your six packs?"..He smirked saying,"nola..not yet" when once he said "I'll get more than 6 packs..better than Surya's"..Welcome home bro,the foods are waiting for you,help yourself to the max when I know he had already gulped down a big glass of tea and few pieces of cookies?MOre foods are waiting for him with mum's carrot cake and nasi lemak for dinner..I'm glad he's back atleast I won't be nagged/be the only hope to finish the foods.:p
At noon,Subha visited me,well she didn't come alone but carried along her Maths textbook and questions to be answered..yeap you heard it right,Maths questions.I have always loved Maths but after like 5 years (with exception of 1 year in Medic sch),I kind of forgot few chapters of it especially Arithmetics and Geometrics progression.When she asked for help,I agreed and wanted to give a try.So came subha.I was/am still surprised all those things are still fresh in my head after a few minutes study on the equations.Maths and its appliances always remained the same regardless of what field you're venturing in.The only difference would be only the level of studies.Though Maths was one of my favourites in school,ask me to major in Actuarial Science and Calculus?I will certainly think twice before taking up those subjects! Subha felt bad because she took up most of my time right after lunch but I happily answered her back " It was really fun,Subha after so long I'm back in touch with Maths"..I sort of missed writing the long equations in order to solve a maths questions which at times I used to just slumped down my head on the table over disappointment when I couldn't get the EXACT answer..but again,there's no other sweetest and happiest moments when I got the SOLUTION!*algebric equations,probabilities,linear equations,quadratic equations,...now I realise how much I":ve missed those things after being in the medic line..:p*
Before I end my blog here,I extend my 'Happy sweet 16th Birthday" to my dearest sister,Priyasree.Wishing you the best of birthday dear.May Baba bless you always and shower you with all the best and beautiful things in life.Love you loads,sweetie:)
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