18th August'09 @ 1206
Since my latest entry stirred big questions'babe,are you ok?' from my bestest girlfriend,so here I am declaring "I'm perfectly fine my bestie!" no worries okay....what's the use of having a blog if you're not able to fill it up with you latest happenings?Everything happens for a reason,I have a strong believe in that phrase.In addition,what's life without ups and downs?There's lil' bit of fun in me for having gone through all this:)
Okay,I am feeling very cheerful and in a jolly mood today.I have 3 most best reasons to smile.There are:
1.Ragu will be coming back tomorrow from USM which means my boredom is finally coming to and end.Can't wait to see him after 4 weeks?Come back fast,bro:) and yeah don't forget your books:p
2.My bestie Shalu is accepted by E&Y(a prestigious company) in JB.Yeay,she got the job just like how she wanted it so badly.Congrats shalu,it's a celebration.On the brighter side: 2 of my besties(Lava and Shalu) will be conquering JB in no time when they meet up for outings.P/s shalu,don't 'be a pengacau' too much since you know Ms Lava is not a single lady on her outings..lol.Take care shalu,all the best and beware of JB,it's Not our IPOH,Ms.Accountant.
3.Another bestie of mine,Dj Tarantula/Anne is in a very ecstatic mood right now despite her chronic gastritis problem.Why?For this Dj has found a new friend(cum soulmate?) .I'm happy for you,remember:Friendship is the beginning for a wonderful relationship.Love ya dj,get well soon and *ahem* hoping to hear a good news from you.
p/s: shalu,it's for your eyes only.Don't ask her,ok?:p.
what else waiting for me in store in coming days?I shall wait and see..
Hey partner...well thank you so much for the happiness n also da advice...haha!!!appreciate it so much...On being a lamp post durin outings wid lava...haih!!!so goona me sesat!!!hahaha!!!neway,on anne gal...i will not ask her..u update me kay..that one always aso got smt up one...:)
ReplyDeleteGonna miz you bestie...I love ya!!!!
Ms.Accountant,it's my pleasure girl.One day anne sure has to let go of her story/secret to everyone,you waitla,she'll definitely tell you.
ReplyDeleteI'm so going to miss you to my partner in crime..take care love ya too:)