Monday, January 11, 2010

I so want to....

* My ideal vacation: this is where I should(want to) be right NOW!*

Just a quick post before I procrastinate my time.Actually,I'm tired of burrowing my eyes on my paeds...can I just go MIA(missing in action) for a few days?Just want to be the invisible me!

Right at this very moment,all I want to do is(any of them):

1.Just to sleep for the next couple of days without having to wake up.Can I do that,please?Just want to fulfill my very long time request to become a sleeping beauty..well,not exactly to become like her who slept for years without being awakened but just a few days will do for me!!!But over here,it's highly impossible when people are just too loud,I wonder where are your considerations towards others' feelings!

2.I desperately need a FRESH AIR to breathe!!I so want to walk along the sunny beach..feel the softness of the breeze,sit on a spread under a palm tree-facing the blue crystal clear water-engulfed totally with a good novel-and day dream!And now,July,please come fast!

3.I;m so tempted to have a piece of any cakes(preferably chocolate moist cake) from Secret Recipe..I'm craving,yes I'm craving for that one bite,at least~

4.I so want to slump right infront of the 'idiot box' @ tv and be a potato couch for...ermm..FOREVER!I miss my summer holidays cos my last summer holidays were taken away for Internal Medicine and me being the studious one at home besides being Ragu's bully!*sigh*

5.Last but not least,I want to get into my car and drive away...away..away... to unbottle the stress in me!!!

Now,can I just close my eyes,wish upon the stars(yeah I know there's none here on the dark sky) and wake up to find myself resting in a challet of any beach resort?

* a slap on right cheek*-- now ,get back to paeds!


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