Wednesday, July 22, 2009

wanted or unwanted?

22nd July'09 @ 1538

*stretching my arms once i reached home*..yeap got back from hospital 10 minutes ago.Routine in the hospital today happened to be slightly different.Let me start from the beginning.

Morning,the first department we(I,Li,Michelle and Kanitha) visited was paediatrics.It was only 8.15am,but Dr.Allan almost finished his rounds.We only had 4 patients left when we joined him for rounds.I don't know what's their time table like over there in wards because frequently,the rounds won't be commencing even after 8 am.The only reason i can think of is shortage of doctors which makes one doctor has to cover few departments.Dr.Allan was more friendly today compared to last week.While 4 girls were 'invigilating' him,one of the nurses actually teased him saying 'Dr.Allan,banyaknye awek..'.He on the other hand,smiled sheepishly and the nurse continued 'macam ni,I pun nak jadi doctorla..'.We just smirked among ourselves and remained composed.Later he asked us to examine infants,then clerk a patient:7 months year old baby girl with lower respiratory tract infections (most probably pneumonia or bronchiolitis).Tell you what?that was the most tedious task ever when it comes to auscultating infants/toddlers.Guess,even infants having 'white coat syndrome'.Big,round eyes will be monitoring you closely.Once you approach nearer and take out your stethoscope,there will be a loud cry which can actually turn you deaf if you continue listening with the earpiece.So we gathered information on whatever we could and traced after Dr.Allan who already headed to the O&G department.

At the O&G department,first we followed him on rounds.Not many patients except for a few with anemic problem,pre-natal care and etc.Towards the end of his round,he asked us to join him in Gynaecological Clinic.Went there and another surprise?He Actually asked us to take 4 chairs and sit beside him...get the picture?It's like..when a patient enters,the scenario will look like as if 5 doctors will be consulting her.Ain't that cool?Sitting there doesn't mean you can shake your legs.He asked us questions and we tried our very best to answer him.Here's the high light :on discussing about antipyretics for children,I mentioned ACETAMINOPHEN and he was like?.."what?"..'what is it again?'..seeing him trying to pronounce the name is quite funny.Russian Medical Students know about the drug whereas the doctor didn't even heard of it!..*i'm flying high* :p..actually,he even said "acetaminophen,okay today i learned something new"..when patients consulted and left he will ask our opinion and bombard us with questions.At one point,he just said "women and their problems,I don't like gynae,i'm forced and thrown to this!!!..." even he mentioned on "I don't trust girls"..Normally,I will repent and will give say back the same to the opposite sex but all of us infact just kept quiet and rolled our eyes,(well I did)!!Too bad I can't argue back since he's a doctor!! JUst because he's a doctor...duh!

Before we left to medical department,he wanted us to clear doubts on rehydation therapy and definitions on few terms which he will be asking us tomorrow.He wanted us to join him even tomorrow!! Now,the wind is blowing to our side that we are feeling 'wanted'.

In medical department,the rounds has ended and at 12pm,A& E was really hectic today with many severely injured victims of MVAs(motor vehicle accidents).Since many MAs and Dr.Lee was there,we were indirectly and sarcastically told by Dr.Lee "too many spectators'' .I didn't feel like being there after that,what more when the highly experienced Dr.Lee is there.

We weren't loitering but went to the canteen while waiting for the time to strike 1 pm so that we can attend a talk on seroquel & it's mechanism of action.We were officially invited by Dr.Joshita to attend the talk which was delivered by Dr.Anandjit Singh(psychiatrist) from Hospital Bahagia,Tanjung Rambutan.After 10 minutes,we headed back to medical department,greeted by Dr.Joshita whom later took us to the conference hall.

Prior to Dr.Anandjit examining a patient,the talk was delayed till 1.40 pm.We were ushered to have lunch.Before we could even eat,we had to enter back the room with our food.Dr Joshita organised this CME (continuous medical education) programme.Attendance will be given points/merits.Even we had to jot down our names on the attendance sheet.Dr Anandjit made his appearance and gave an interesting 15 minutes presentation on seroquel which inhibits dopaminergic receptors,modulates serotonin receptors and enhances noradrenergic receptors.It's very useful in psychotic patients who are often apathy due to low serotonin level and high dopamine level in combating psychosis.The drug carries positive effect on human body but towards the end,I realised that the negative/side effects of it wasn't mentioned.And now that doesn't seem right because I believe each and every drug has it's own pro and cons.

Dr.Anandjit concluded his presentation with 2 questions to check attentiveness of the attenders.1st question on indications of seroquel was answered by a staffness:schizophrenia,bipolar mania,depression and bipolar maintenance.Whilst the 2nd question on receptors responsible for seroquel's action was answered by ME: dopaminergic,serotonin and noradrenergic..and I got a small gift from the pharmacist.:)

We finished our left over food,washed our hands,said bye to Dr.Joshita and went to the A&E again.Dr.Jittra was there ..well she's more like Dr.Lee.Didn't bother us much.Can't blame her also since there was a patient in a critical condition.Yet,she didn't even give us a small we 'hanged out' there for awhile.Dr.Allan was there too in A&E.

At about 3pm,I drove back home since we weren't being much of a help to them.


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